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Format menu

Format → Copy format

Copies only the format of the selected cells. Copying formats has been separated from copying content in order to prevent unwanted behavior.

Format → Paste format

Pastes copied cell formats.

Format → Default format

Assigns the default format to the selected cells. This does not affect the merge status of cells, i.e. merged cells do not become unmerged. Default cell formatting enables system theme colors for the cell, which lets the cell adapt to system themes (e.g. light or dark theme).

Note that default format is just another format so that applying default format to a cell does not delete or alter formatting layers below. Therefore, the complexity of cell_attributes is not reduced.

Format → Font

Assigns a font including style and size to the current cell if no selection is present. If a selection is present, the font is assigned to each selected cell.

The fonts are not stored within the .pys file. Therefore, fonts have to be available at the target system when opening a .pys file, otherwise, the font is replaced by the default font.

Format → Bold

Bold toggles the current selection’s cell font bold attribute. If no cell is selected, then the attribute is toggled for the current cell. The shortcut is <Ctrl> + B.

Format → Italics

Italics toggles the current selection’s cell font italics attribute. If no cell is selected, then the attribute is toggled for the current cell. The shortcut for Italics is <Ctrl> + I.

Format → Underline

Underline toggles the current selection’s cell font underline attribute. If no cell is selected, then the attribute is toggled for the current cell. The shortcut for Underline is <Ctrl> + U.

Format → Strikethrough

Strikethrough toggles the current selection’s cell font strikethrough attribute. If no cell is selected, then the attribute is toggled for the current cell.

Format → Cell renderer

Opens a sub-menu, in which the cell renderer for the current cell can be chosen.

Format → Freeze cell

The frozen button (flurry button toggles the frozen attribute for the current cell, not the selection). Frozen cells are immediately executed once. Cell results are stored in a cache. Instead of re-evaluating the cell result each time that another cell is updated, frozen cells always display the old, stored result.

The flurry button can only mark one cell at a time as frozen. The selection is ignored for this purpose. Only the cell at the cursor is frozen.

Frozen cells can be refreshed using the menu with View → Refresh Selected Cells or with <F5>. All selected cells are refreshed by this command.

Frozen cells can speed up spreadsheets with long running calculations. Furthermore, the number of callings of stateful functions can be controlled.

While the frozen attribute is stored in the .pysu / .pys save-file, the frozen cell result cache is not saved.

Format → Lock cell

Lock toggles the current selection’s cell lock attribute. If no cell is selected, then the current cell is locked. Locking means that the cell cannot be edited from within pyspread until it is unlocked again.

Format → Button cell

Creates a button cell from the current cell. Button cells may be employed to provide an intuitive interface for the user that allows executing functions from the macro editor by pressing a button in the grid. In this case, the respective function is called in the button cell code.

On selecting button cell, a dialog for querying the user for a button text is displayed. Next, a button that is labeled with this text is displayed in the cell instead of cell results. The button cell’s code is executed when activating the button (on release).

Note that button cells can be activated even if they are locked.

Format → Merge cells

Merge cells merge all cells that are in the bounding box of the current selection. If there is no selection the the current cell will not be merged or unmerged if already merged. Merged cells act as one. Output is shown for the top left cell, which stays intact upon a merge.

Format → Rotation

Opens a sub-menu, in which cell rotation can be chosen from 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree. The chosen rotation is applied to all cells in the current selection. If no cell is selected, then it is applied to the current cell. Besides text output, rotation also applied to bitmap and vector graphics that are displayed in the cell. Matplotlib charts may be dislocated in rotated cells.

Format → Justification

Opens a sub-menu, in which cell justifications can be chosen from left, center and right. The chosen justification is applied to all cells in the current selection. If no cell is selected, then it is applied to the current cell. Besides text output, justification also applied to bitmap and vector graphics that are displayed in the cell.

Format → Alignment

Opens a sub-menu, in which cell alignment can be chosen from top, center and bottom. The chosen alignment is applied to all cells in the current selection. If no cell is selected, then it is applied to the current cell. Besides text output, alignment also applied to bitmap and vector graphics that are displayed in the cell.

Format → Formatted borders

When changing border color or width, the command affects the selection, or if no selection is present. the current cell.

Since a cell has four borders, all borders are affected by default. The border choice box allows changing this behaviour by providing the following options:

Format → Border width

Choice box that changes cell border widths. The section Border choice box explains, which borders are affected. There are eleven different border widths. The first width is 0, which means that no border is drawn.

Format → Text color

Opens a dialog, in which a color can be chosen. On o.k., the text color is set to the chosen color for all cells in the current selection. If no cell is selected, then the text color is set for the current cell.

Format → Line color

Invokes a color choice dialog that changes cell border color. The section Border choice box explains, which borders are affected. The border color is chosen as an RGB value. The color choice dialog may look different depending on the operating system.

Format → Background color

Opens a dialog, in which a color can be chosen. On o.k., the background color is set to the chosen color for all cells in the current selection. If no cell is selected, then the background color is set for the current cell.

© Martin Manns and the pyspread team