Source code for model.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright Martin Manns
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# pyspread is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pyspread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyspread.  If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------


The model contains the core data structures of pyspread and is divided
into the following layers.

- Layer 3: :class:`CodeArray`
- Layer 2: :class:`DataArray`
- Layer 1: :class:`DictGrid`
- Layer 0: :class:`KeyValueStore`


 * :class:`DefaultCellAttributeDict`
 * :class:`CellAttribute`
 * :class:`CellAttributes`
 * :class:`KeyValueStore`
 * :class:`DictGrid`
 * :class:`DataArray`
 * :class:`CodeArray`


from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import filter
from builtins import str
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range

import ast
import base64
import bz2
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
import datetime
import decimal
from decimal import Decimal  # Needed
from importlib import reload
from inspect import isgenerator
import io
from itertools import product
import re
import signal
import sys
from traceback import print_exception
from typing import (
        Any, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Sequence, Tuple, Union)

import numpy

from PyQt6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap  # Needed

    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
except ImportError:
    Figure = None

    from moneyed import Money
except ImportError:
    Money = None

    from pyspread.settings import Settings
    from pyspread.lib.attrdict import AttrDict
    import pyspread.lib.charts as charts
    from pyspread.lib.exception_handling import get_user_codeframe
    from pyspread.lib.typechecks import is_stringlike
    from pyspread.lib.selection import Selection
    from pyspread.lib.string_helpers import ZEN
except ImportError:
    from settings import Settings
    from lib.attrdict import AttrDict
    import lib.charts as charts  # Needed
    from lib.exception_handling import get_user_codeframe
    from lib.typechecks import is_stringlike
    from lib.selection import Selection
    from lib.string_helpers import ZEN

[docs] class DefaultCellAttributeDict(AttrDict): """Holds default values for all cell attributes""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(self) self.borderwidth_bottom = 1 self.borderwidth_right = 1 self.bordercolor_bottom = None self.bordercolor_right = None self.bgcolor = 255, 255, 255 # Do not use theme self.textfont = None self.pointsize = 10 self.fontweight = None self.fontstyle = None self.textcolor = 0, 0, 0 # Do not use theme self.underline = False self.strikethrough = False self.locked = False self.angle = 0.0 self.vertical_align = "align_top" self.justification = "justify_left" self.frozen = False self.merge_area = None self.renderer = "text" self.button_cell = False self.panel_cell = False
[docs] class CellAttribute(NamedTuple): """Single cell attribute""" selection: Selection table: int attr: AttrDict
[docs] class CellAttributes(list): """Stores cell formatting attributes in a list of CellAttribute instances The class stores cell attributes as a list of layers. Each layer describes attributes for one selection in one table. Ultimately, a cell's attributes are determined by going through all elements of an `CellAttributes` instance. A default `AttrDict` is updated with the one in the list element if it is relevant for the respective cell. Therefore, attributes are efficiently stored for large sets of cells. The class provides attribute read access to single cells via :meth:`__getitem__`. Otherwise it behaves similar to a `list`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__add__ = None self.__delattr__ = None self.__delitem__ = None self.__delslice__ = None self.__iadd__ = None self.__imul__ = None self.__rmul__ = None self.__setattr__ = None self.__setslice__ = None self.insert = None self.remove = None self.reverse = None self.sort = None # Cache for __getattr__ maps key to tuple of len and attr_dict _attr_cache = AttrDict() _table_cache = {}
[docs] def append(self, cell_attribute: CellAttribute): """append that clears caches :param cell_attribute: Cell attribute to be appended """ if not isinstance(cell_attribute, CellAttribute): msg = "{} not instance of CellAttribute".format(cell_attribute) raise UserWarning(msg) return # We need to clean up merge areas selection, table, attr = cell_attribute if "merge_area" in attr: for i, ele in enumerate(reversed(self)): if ele[0] == selection and ele[1] == table \ and "merge_area" in ele[2]: try: self.pop(-1 - i) except IndexError: pass if attr["merge_area"] is not None: super().append(cell_attribute) else: super().append(cell_attribute) self._attr_cache.clear() self._table_cache.clear()
def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> AttrDict: """Returns attribute dict for a single key :param key: Key of cell for cell_attribute retrieval """ # if any(isinstance(key_ele, slice) for key_ele in key): # raise Warning("slice in key {}".format(key)) # return try: cache_len, cache_dict = self._attr_cache[key] # Use cache result only if no new attrs have been defined if cache_len == len(self): return cache_dict except KeyError: pass # Update table cache if it is outdated (e.g. when creating a new grid) if len(self) != self._len_table_cache(): self._update_table_cache() row, col, tab = key result_dict = DefaultCellAttributeDict() try: for selection, attr_dict in self._table_cache[tab]: if (row, col) in selection: result_dict.update(attr_dict) except KeyError: pass # Upddate cache with current length and dict self._attr_cache[key] = (len(self), result_dict) return result_dict def __setitem__(self, index: int, cell_attribute: CellAttribute): """__setitem__ that clears caches :param index: Index of item in self :param cell_attribute: Cell attribute to be set """ if not isinstance(cell_attribute, CellAttribute): msg = "{} not instance of CellAttribute".format(cell_attribute) raise Warning(msg) return super().__setitem__(index, cell_attribute) self._attr_cache.clear() self._table_cache.clear()
[docs] def _len_table_cache(self) -> int: """Returns the length of the table cache""" length = 0 for table in self._table_cache: length += len(self._table_cache[table]) return length
[docs] def _update_table_cache(self): """Clears and updates the table cache to be in sync with self""" self._table_cache.clear() for sel, tab, val in self: try: self._table_cache[tab].append((sel, val)) except KeyError: self._table_cache[tab] = [(sel, val)] if len(self) != self._len_table_cache(): raise Warning("Length of _table_cache does not match")
[docs] def get_merging_cell(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns key of cell that merges the cell key Retuns None if cell key not merged. :param key: Key of the cell that is merged """ row, col, tab = key # Is cell merged for selection, table, attr in self: if tab == table and "merge_area" in attr: top, left, bottom, right = attr["merge_area"] if top <= row <= bottom and left <= col <= right: return top, left, tab
[docs] def for_table(self, table: int) -> list: """Return cell attributes for a given table Return type should be `CellAttributes`. The list return type is provided because PEP 563 is unavailable in Python 3.6. Note that the table's presence in the grid is not checked. :param table: Table for which cell attributes are returned """ table_cell_attributes = CellAttributes() for selection, __table, attr in self: if __table == table: cell_attribute = CellAttribute(selection, __table, attr) table_cell_attributes.append(cell_attribute) return table_cell_attributes
# End of class CellAttributes
[docs] class KeyValueStore(dict): """Key-Value store in memory. Currently a dict with default value None. This class represents layer 0 of the model. """ def __init__(self, default_value=None): """ :param default_value: Value that is provided for missing keys """ super().__init__() self.default_value = default_value def __missing__(self, value: Any) -> Any: """Returns the default value None""" return self.default_value
# End of class KeyValueStore # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class DictGrid(KeyValueStore): """Core data class with all information that is stored in a `.pys` file. Besides grid code access via standard `dict` operations, it provides the following attributes: * :attr:`~DictGrid.cell_attributes` - Stores cell formatting attributes * :attr:`~DictGrid.macros` - String of all macros This class represents layer 1 of the model. """ def __init__(self, shape: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ :param shape: Shape of the grid """ super().__init__() self.shape = shape # Instance of :class:`CellAttributes` self.cell_attributes = CellAttributes() # Macros as string self.macros = u"" self.row_heights = defaultdict(float) # Keys have format (row, table) self.col_widths = defaultdict(float) # Keys have format (col, table) def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Any: """ :param key: Cell key """ shape = self.shape for axis, key_ele in enumerate(key): if shape[axis] <= key_ele or key_ele < -shape[axis]: msg = "Grid index {key} outside grid shape {shape}." msg = msg.format(key=key, shape=shape) raise IndexError(msg) return super().__getitem__(key) def __missing__(self, key): """Default value is None""" return
# End of class DictGrid # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class DataArray: """DataArray provides enhanced grid read/write access. Enhancements comprise: * Slicing * Multi-dimensional operations such as insertion and deletion along one axis This class represents layer 2 of the model. """ def __init__(self, shape: Tuple[int, int, int], settings: Settings): """ :param shape: Shape of the grid :param settings: Pyspread settings """ self.dict_grid = DictGrid(shape) self.settings = settings def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not hasattr(other, "dict_grid") or \ not hasattr(other, "cell_attributes"): return False return self.dict_grid == other.dict_grid and \ self.cell_attributes == other.cell_attributes def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) @property def data(self) -> dict: """Returns `dict` of data content. - Data is the central content interface for loading / saving data. - It shall be used for loading and saving from and to `.pys` and other files. - It shall be used for loading and saving macros. - However, it is not used for importing and exporting data because these operations are partial to the grid. **Content of returned dict** :param shape: Grid shape :type shape: Tuple[int, int, int] :param grid: Cell content :type grid: Dict[Tuple[int, int, int], str] :param attributes: Cell attributes :type attributes: CellAttribute :param row_heights: Row heights :type row_heights: defaultdict[Tuple[int, int], float] :param col_widths: Column widths :type col_widths: defaultdict[Tuple[int, int], float] :param macros: Macros :type macros: str """ data = {} data["shape"] = self.shape data["grid"] = {}.update(self.dict_grid) data["attributes"] = self.cell_attributes[:] data["row_heights"] = self.row_heights data["col_widths"] = self.col_widths data["macros"] = self.macros return data @data.setter def data(self, **kwargs): """Sets data from given parameters Old values are deleted. If a paremeter is not given, nothing is changed. **Content of kwargs dict** :param shape: Grid shape :type shape: Tuple[int, int, int] :param grid: Cell content :type grid: Dict[Tuple[int, int, int], str] :param attributes: Cell attributes :type attributes: CellAttribute :param row_heights: Row heights :type row_heights: defaultdict[Tuple[int, int], float] :param col_widths: Column widths :type col_widths: defaultdict[Tuple[int, int], float] :param macros: Macros :type macros: str """ if "shape" in kwargs: self.shape = kwargs["shape"] if "grid" in kwargs: self.dict_grid.clear() self.dict_grid.update(kwargs["grid"]) if "attributes" in kwargs: self.attributes[:] = kwargs["attributes"] if "row_heights" in kwargs: self.row_heights = kwargs["row_heights"] if "col_widths" in kwargs: self.col_widths = kwargs["col_widths"] if "macros" in kwargs: self.macros = kwargs["macros"] @property def row_heights(self) -> defaultdict: """row_heights interface to dict_grid""" return self.dict_grid.row_heights @row_heights.setter def row_heights(self, row_heights: defaultdict): """row_heights interface to dict_grid""" self.dict_grid.row_heights = row_heights @property def col_widths(self) -> defaultdict: """col_widths interface to dict_grid""" return self.dict_grid.col_widths @col_widths.setter def col_widths(self, col_widths: defaultdict): """col_widths interface to dict_grid""" self.dict_grid.col_widths = col_widths @property def cell_attributes(self) -> CellAttributes: """cell_attributes interface to dict_grid""" return self.dict_grid.cell_attributes @cell_attributes.setter def cell_attributes(self, value: CellAttributes): """cell_attributes interface to dict_grid""" # First empty cell_attributes self.cell_attributes[:] = [] self.cell_attributes.extend(value) @property def macros(self) -> str: """macros interface to dict_grid""" return self.dict_grid.macros @macros.setter def macros(self, macros: str): """Sets macros string""" self.dict_grid.macros = macros @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns dict_grid shape""" return self.dict_grid.shape @shape.setter def shape(self, shape: Tuple[int, int, int]): """Deletes all cells beyond new shape and sets dict_grid shape Returns a dict of the deleted cells' contents :param shape: Target shape for grid """ # Delete each cell that is beyond new borders old_shape = self.shape deleted_cells = {} if any(new_axis < old_axis for new_axis, old_axis in zip(shape, old_shape)): for key in list(self.dict_grid.keys()): if any(key_ele >= new_axis for key_ele, new_axis in zip(key, shape)): deleted_cells[key] = self.pop(key) # Set dict_grid shape attribute self.dict_grid.shape = shape self._adjust_rowcol(0, 0, 0) self._adjust_cell_attributes(0, 0, 0) return deleted_cells def __iter__(self) -> Iterable: """Returns iterator over self.dict_grid""" return iter(self.dict_grid) def __contains__(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> bool: """True if key is contained in grid Handles single keys only. :param key: Key of cell to be checked """ if any(not isinstance(ele, int) for ele in key): return NotImplemented row, column, table = key rows, columns, tables = self.shape return (0 <= row <= rows and 0 <= column <= columns and 0 <= table <= tables) # Slice support def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice]] ) -> Union[str, Iterable[str], Iterable[Iterable[str]], Iterable[Iterable[Iterable[str]]]]: """Adds slicing access to cell code retrieval The cells are returned as a generator of generators, of ... of unicode. :param key: Keys of the cell code that is returned Note ---- Classical Excel type addressing (A$1, ...) may be added here later """ for key_ele in key: if isinstance(key_ele, slice): # We have something slice-like here return self.cell_array_generator(key) if is_stringlike(key_ele): # We have something string-like here msg = "Cell string based access not implemented" raise NotImplementedError(msg) # key_ele should be a single cell return self.dict_grid[key] def __setitem__(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice]], value: str): """Accepts index and slice keys :param key: Cell key(s) that shall be set :param value: Code for cell(s) to be set """ single_keys_per_dim = [] for axis, key_ele in enumerate(key): if isinstance(key_ele, slice): # We have something slice-like here length = self.shape[axis] slice_range = range(*key_ele.indices(length)) single_keys_per_dim.append(slice_range) elif is_stringlike(key_ele): # We have something string-like here raise NotImplementedError else: # key_ele is a single cell single_keys_per_dim.append((key_ele, )) single_keys = product(*single_keys_per_dim) for single_key in single_keys: if value: # Never change merged cells merging_cell = \ self.cell_attributes.get_merging_cell(single_key) if ((merging_cell is None or merging_cell == single_key) and isinstance(value, str)): self.dict_grid[single_key] = value else: # Value is empty --> delete cell try: self.pop(key) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass # Pickle support def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, DictGrid]: """Returns dict_grid for pickling Note that all persistent data is contained in the DictGrid class """ return {"dict_grid": self.dict_grid}
[docs] def get_row_height(self, row: int, tab: int) -> float: """Returns row height :param row: Row for which height is retrieved :param tab: Table for which for which row height is retrieved """ try: return self.row_heights[(row, tab)] except KeyError: return
[docs] def get_col_width(self, col: int, tab: int) -> float: """Returns column width :param col: Column for which width is retrieved :param tab: Table for which for which column width is retrieved """ try: return self.col_widths[(col, tab)] except KeyError: return
[docs] def keys(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """Returns keys in self.dict_grid""" return list(self.dict_grid.keys())
[docs] def pop(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Any: """dict_grid pop wrapper :param key: Cell key """ return self.dict_grid.pop(key)
[docs] def get_last_filled_cell(self, table: int = None) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns key for the bottommost rightmost cell with content :param table: Limit search to this table """ maxrow = 0 maxcol = 0 for row, col, tab in self.dict_grid: if table is None or tab == table: maxrow = max(row, maxrow) maxcol = max(col, maxcol) return maxrow, maxcol, table
[docs] def cell_array_generator(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice]]) -> Iterable[str]: """Generator traversing cells specified in key Yields cells' contents. :param key: Specifies the cell keys of the generator """ for i, key_ele in enumerate(key): # Recursively replace first element of key that is a slice if isinstance(key_ele, slice): slc_keys = range(*key_ele.indices(self.dict_grid.shape[i])) key_list = list(key) key_list[i] = None has_subslice = any(isinstance(ele, slice) for ele in key_list) for slc_key in slc_keys: key_list[i] = slc_key if has_subslice: # If there is a slice left yield generator yield self.cell_array_generator(key_list) else: # No slices? Yield value yield self[tuple(key_list)] break
[docs] def _shift_rowcol(self, insertion_point: int, no_to_insert: int): """Shifts row and column sizes when a table is inserted or deleted :param insertion_point: Table at which a new table is inserted :param no_to_insert: Number of tables that are inserted """ # Shift row heights new_row_heights = {} del_row_heights = [] for row, tab in self.row_heights: if tab >= insertion_point: new_row_heights[(row, tab + no_to_insert)] = \ self.row_heights[(row, tab)] del_row_heights.append((row, tab)) for row, tab in new_row_heights: self.set_row_height(row, tab, new_row_heights[(row, tab)]) for row, tab in del_row_heights: if (row, tab) not in new_row_heights: self.set_row_height(row, tab, None) # Shift column widths new_col_widths = {} del_col_widths = [] for col, tab in self.col_widths: if tab >= insertion_point: new_col_widths[(col, tab + no_to_insert)] = \ self.col_widths[(col, tab)] del_col_widths.append((col, tab)) for col, tab in new_col_widths: self.set_col_width(col, tab, new_col_widths[(col, tab)]) for col, tab in del_col_widths: if (col, tab) not in new_col_widths: self.set_col_width(col, tab, None)
[docs] def _adjust_rowcol(self, insertion_point: int, no_to_insert: int, axis: int, tab: int = None): """Adjusts row and column sizes on insertion/deletion :param insertion_point: Point on axis at which insertion takes place :param no_to_insert: Number of rows or columns that are inserted :param axis: Row insertion if 0, column insertion if 1, must be in 0, 1 :param tab: Table at which insertion takes place, None means all tables """ if axis == 2: self._shift_rowcol(insertion_point, no_to_insert) return if axis not in (0, 1): raise Warning("Axis {} not in (0, 1)".format(axis)) return cell_sizes = self.col_widths if axis else self.row_heights set_cell_size = self.set_col_width if axis else self.set_row_height new_sizes = {} del_sizes = [] for pos, table in cell_sizes: if pos >= insertion_point and (tab is None or tab == table): if 0 <= pos + no_to_insert < self.shape[axis]: new_sizes[(pos + no_to_insert, table)] = \ cell_sizes[(pos, table)] if pos < insertion_point + no_to_insert: new_sizes[(pos, table)] = cell_sizes[(pos, table)] del_sizes.append((pos, table)) for pos, table in new_sizes: set_cell_size(pos, table, new_sizes[(pos, table)]) for pos, table in del_sizes: if (pos, table) not in new_sizes: set_cell_size(pos, table, None)
[docs] def _adjust_merge_area( self, attrs: AttrDict, insertion_point: int, no_to_insert: int, axis: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Returns an updated merge area :param attrs: Cell attribute dictionary that shall be adjusted :param insertion_point: Point on axis at which insertion takes place :param no_to_insert: Number of rows/cols/tabs to be inserted (>=0) :param axis: Row insertion if 0, column insertion if 1, must be in 0, 1 """ if axis not in (0, 1): raise Warning("Axis {} not in (0, 1)".format(axis)) return if "merge_area" not in attrs or attrs["merge_area"] is None: return top, left, bottom, right = attrs["merge_area"] selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], []) selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis) __top, __left = selection.block_tl[0] __bottom, __right = selection.block_br[0] # Adjust merge area if it is beyond the grid shape rows, cols, tabs = self.shape if __top < 0 and __bottom < 0: return if __top >= rows and __bottom >= rows: return if __left < 0 and __right < 0: return if __left >= cols and __right >= cols: return if __top < 0: __top = 0 if __top >= rows: __top = rows - 1 if __bottom < 0: __bottom = 0 if __bottom >= rows: __bottom = rows - 1 if __left < 0: __left = 0 if __left >= cols: __left = cols - 1 if __right < 0: __right = 0 if __right >= cols: __right = cols - 1 return __top, __left, __bottom, __right
[docs] def _adjust_cell_attributes( self, insertion_point: int, no_to_insert: int, axis: int, tab: int = None, cell_attrs: AttrDict = None): """Adjusts cell attributes on insertion/deletion :param insertion_point: Point on axis at which insertion takes place :param no_to_insert: Number of rows/cols/tabs to be inserted (>=0) :param axis: Row insertion if 0, column insertion if 1, must be in 0, 1 :param tab: Table at which insertion takes place, None means all tables :param cell_attrs: If given replaces the existing cell attributes """ def replace_cell_attributes_table(index: int, new_table: int): """Replaces table in cell_attributes item :param index: Cell attribute index for table replacement :param new_table: New table value for cell attribute """ cell_attr = list(list.__getitem__(self.cell_attributes, index)) cell_attr[1] = new_table self.cell_attributes[index] = CellAttribute(*cell_attr) def get_ca_with_updated_ma( attrs: AttrDict, merge_area: Tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> AttrDict: """Returns cell attributes with updated merge area :param attrs: Cell attributes to be updated :param merge_area: New merge area (top, left, bottom, right) """ new_attrs = copy(attrs) if merge_area is None: try: new_attrs.pop("merge_area") except KeyError: pass else: new_attrs["merge_area"] = merge_area return new_attrs if axis not in list(range(3)): raise ValueError("Axis must be in [0, 1, 2]") if tab is not None and tab < 0: raise Warning("tab is negative") return if cell_attrs is None: cell_attrs = [] if cell_attrs: self.cell_attributes[:] = cell_attrs elif axis < 2: # Adjust selections on given table ca_updates = {} for i, (selection, table, attrs) \ in enumerate(self.cell_attributes): selection = copy(selection) if tab is None or tab == table: selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis) # Update merge area if present merge_area = self._adjust_merge_area(attrs, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis) new_attrs = get_ca_with_updated_ma(attrs, merge_area) ca_updates[i] = CellAttribute(selection, table, new_attrs) for idx in ca_updates: self.cell_attributes[idx] = ca_updates[idx] elif axis == 2: # Adjust tabs pop_indices = [] for i, cell_attribute in enumerate(self.cell_attributes): selection, table, value = cell_attribute if no_to_insert < 0 and insertion_point <= table: if insertion_point > table + no_to_insert: # Delete later pop_indices.append(i) else: replace_cell_attributes_table(i, table + no_to_insert) elif insertion_point <= table: # Insert replace_cell_attributes_table(i, table + no_to_insert) for i in pop_indices[::-1]: self.cell_attributes.pop(i) self.cell_attributes._attr_cache.clear() self.cell_attributes._update_table_cache()
[docs] def insert(self, insertion_point: int, no_to_insert: int, axis: int, tab: int = None): """Inserts no_to_insert rows/cols/tabs/... before insertion_point :param insertion_point: Point on axis at which insertion takes place :param no_to_insert: Number of rows/cols/tabs to be inserted (>=0) :param axis: Row/Column/Table insertion if 0/1/2 must be in 0, 1, 2 :param tab: Table at which insertion takes place, None means all tables """ if not 0 <= axis <= len(self.shape): raise ValueError("Axis not in grid dimensions") if insertion_point > self.shape[axis] or \ insertion_point < -self.shape[axis]: raise IndexError("Insertion point not in grid") new_keys = {} del_keys = [] for key in list(self.dict_grid.keys()): if key[axis] >= insertion_point and (tab is None or tab == key[2]): new_key = list(key) new_key[axis] += no_to_insert if 0 <= new_key[axis] < self.shape[axis]: new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self(key) del_keys.append(key) # Now re-insert moved keys for key in del_keys: if key not in new_keys and self(key) is not None: self.pop(key) self._adjust_rowcol(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab=tab) self._adjust_cell_attributes(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab) for key in new_keys: self.__setitem__(key, new_keys[key])
[docs] def delete(self, deletion_point: int, no_to_delete: int, axis: int, tab: int = None): """Deletes no_to_delete rows/cols/... starting with deletion_point :param deletion_point: Point on axis at which deletion takes place :param no_to_delete: Number of rows/cols/tabs to be deleted (>=0) :param axis: Row/Column/Table deletion if 0/1/2, must be in 0, 1, 2 :param tab: Table at which insertion takes place, None means all tables """ if not 0 <= axis < len(self.shape): raise ValueError("Axis not in grid dimensions") if no_to_delete < 0: raise ValueError("Cannot delete negative number of rows/cols/...") if deletion_point > self.shape[axis] or \ deletion_point <= -self.shape[axis]: raise IndexError("Deletion point not in grid") new_keys = {} del_keys = [] # Note that the loop goes over a list that copies all dict keys for key in list(self.dict_grid.keys()): if tab is None or tab == key[2]: if deletion_point <= key[axis] < deletion_point + no_to_delete: del_keys.append(key) elif key[axis] >= deletion_point + no_to_delete: new_key = list(key) new_key[axis] -= no_to_delete new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self(key) del_keys.append(key) self._adjust_rowcol(deletion_point, -no_to_delete, axis, tab=tab) self._adjust_cell_attributes(deletion_point, -no_to_delete, axis, tab) # Now re-insert moved keys for key in new_keys: self.__setitem__(key, new_keys[key]) for key in del_keys: if key not in new_keys and self(key) is not None: self.pop(key)
[docs] def set_row_height(self, row: int, tab: int, height: float): """Sets row height :param row: Row for height setting :param tab: Table, in which row height is set :param height: Row height to be set """ try: self.row_heights.pop((row, tab)) except KeyError: pass if height is not None: self.row_heights[(row, tab)] = float(height)
[docs] def set_col_width(self, col: int, tab: int, width: float): """Sets column width :param col: Column for width setting :param tab: Table, in which column width is set :param width: Column width to be set """ try: self.col_widths.pop((col, tab)) except KeyError: pass if width is not None: self.col_widths[(col, tab)] = float(width)
# Element access via call __call__ = __getitem__
# End of class DataArray # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class CodeArray(DataArray): """CodeArray provides objects when accessing cells via `__getitem__` Cell code can be accessed via function call This class represents layer 3 of the model. """ # Cache for results from __getitem__ calls result_cache = {} # Cache for frozen objects frozen_cache = {} # Safe mode: If True then Whether pyspread is operating in safe_mode # In safe_mode, cells are not evaluated but its code is returned instead. safe_mode = False def __setitem__(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice]], value: str): """Sets cell code and resets result cache :param key: Cell key(s) that shall be set :param value: Code for cell(s) to be set """ # Change numpy array repr function for grid cell results numpy.set_string_function(lambda s: repr(s.tolist())) # Prevent unchanged cells from being recalculated on cursor movement repr_key = repr(key) unchanged = (repr_key in self.result_cache and value == self(key)) or \ ((value is None or value == "") and repr_key not in self.result_cache) super().__setitem__(key, value) if not unchanged: # Reset result cache self.result_cache = {} def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice], Union[int, slice]]) -> Any: """Returns _eval_cell :param key: Cell key for result retrieval (code if in safe mode) """ code = self(key) if code is None: return # Cached cell handling if repr(key) in self.result_cache: return self.result_cache[repr(key)] if not any(isinstance(k, slice) for k in key): # Button cell handling if self.cell_attributes[key].button_cell is not False: return # Frozen cell handling frozen_res = self.cell_attributes[key].frozen if frozen_res: if repr(key) in self.frozen_cache: return self.frozen_cache[repr(key)] # Frozen cache is empty. # Maybe we have a reload without the frozen cache result = self._eval_cell(key, code) self.frozen_cache[repr(key)] = result return result # Normal cell handling result = self._eval_cell(key, code) self.result_cache[repr(key)] = result return result
[docs] def _make_nested_list(self, gen: Union[Iterable, Iterable[Iterable], Iterable[Iterable[Iterable]]] ) -> Union[Sequence, Sequence[Sequence], Sequence[Sequence[Sequence]]]: """Makes nested list from generator for creating numpy.array""" res = [] for ele in gen: if ele is None: res.append(None) elif not is_stringlike(ele) and isgenerator(ele): # Nested generator res.append(self._make_nested_list(ele)) else: res.append(ele) return res
[docs] def _get_updated_environment(self, env_dict: dict = None) -> dict: """Returns globals environment with 'magic' variable :param env_dict: Maps global variable name to value, None: {'S': self} """ if env_dict is None: env_dict = {'S': self} env = globals().copy() env.update(env_dict) return env
[docs] def exec_then_eval(self, code: str, _globals: dict = None, _locals: dict = None): """execs multiline code and returns eval of last code line :param code: Code to be executed / evaled :param _globals: Globals dict for code execution and eval :param _locals: Locals dict for code execution and eval """ if _globals is None: _globals = {} if _locals is None: _locals = {} block = ast.parse(code, mode='exec') # assumes last node is an expression last_body = block.body.pop() last = ast.Expression(last_body.value) exec(compile(block, '<string>', mode='exec'), _globals, _locals) res = eval(compile(last, '<string>', mode='eval'), _globals, _locals) if hasattr(last_body, "targets"): for target in last_body.targets: _globals[] = res globals().update(_globals) return res
[docs] def _eval_cell(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int], code: str) -> Any: """Evaluates one cell and returns its result :param key: Key of cell to be evaled :param code: Code to be evaled """ # Help helper function that fixes help being displayed in stdout def help(*args) -> str: """Returns help string for object arguments""" if not args: return ZEN from pydoc import render_doc, plaintext return render_doc(*args, renderer=plaintext) # Flatten helper function def nn(val: numpy.array) -> numpy.array: """Returns flat numpy array without None values""" try: return numpy.array([_f for _f in val.flat if _f is not None], dtype="O") except AttributeError: # Probably no numpy array return numpy.array([_f for _f in val if _f is not None], dtype="O") env_dict = {'X': key[0], 'Y': key[1], 'Z': key[2], 'bz2': bz2, 'base64': base64, 'nn': nn, 'help': help, 'Figure': Figure, 'R': key[0], 'C': key[1], 'T': key[2], 'S': self} env = self._get_updated_environment(env_dict=env_dict) if self.safe_mode: # Safe mode is active return code if code is None: # Cell is not present return if isgenerator(code): # We have a generator object return numpy.array(self._make_nested_list(code), dtype="O") try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handler) signal.alarm(self.settings.timeout) except AttributeError: # No Unix system pass try: result = self.exec_then_eval(code, env, {}) except AttributeError as err: # Attribute Error includes RunTimeError result = AttributeError(err) except RuntimeError as err: result = RuntimeError(err) except Exception as err: result = Exception(err) finally: try: signal.alarm(0) except AttributeError: # No POSIX system pass # Change back cell value for evaluation from other cells # self.dict_grid[key] = _old_code return result
[docs] def pop(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int]): """pop with cache support :param key: Cell key that shall be popped """ try: self.result_cache.pop(repr(key)) except KeyError: pass return super().pop(key)
[docs] def reload_modules(self): """Reloads modules that are available in cells""" modules = [bz2, base64, re, ast, sys, datetime, decimal] for module in modules: reload(module)
[docs] def clear_globals(self): """Clears all newly assigned globals""" base_keys = ['cStringIO', 'KeyValueStore', 'UnRedo', 'Figure', 'reload', 'io', 'print_exception', 'get_user_codeframe', 'isgenerator', 'is_stringlike', 'bz2', 'base64', '__package__', 're', '__doc__', 'QPixmap', 'charts', 'product', 'AttrDict', 'CellAttribute', 'CellAttributes', 'DefaultCellAttributeDict', 'ast', '__builtins__', '__file__', 'sys', '__name__', 'QImage', 'defaultdict', 'copy', 'imap', 'ifilter', 'Selection', 'DictGrid', 'numpy', 'CodeArray', 'DataArray', 'datetime', 'Decimal', 'decimal', 'signal', 'Any', 'Dict', 'Iterable', 'List', 'NamedTuple', 'Sequence', 'Tuple', 'Union'] try: from moneyed import Money except ImportError: Money = None if Money is not None: base_keys.append('Money') for key in list(globals().keys()): if key not in base_keys: globals().pop(key)
[docs] def get_globals(self) -> dict: """Returns globals dict""" return globals()
[docs] def execute_macros(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Executes all macros and returns result string and error string Executes macros only when not in safe_mode """ if self.safe_mode: return '', "Safe mode activated. Code not executed." # We need to execute each cell so that assigned globals are updated for key in self: self[key] # Windows exec does not like Windows newline self.macros = self.macros.replace('\r\n', '\n') # Set up environment for evaluation globals().update(self._get_updated_environment()) for var in "XYZRCT": try: del globals()[var] except KeyError: pass # Create file-like string to capture output code_out = io.StringIO() code_err = io.StringIO() err_msg = io.StringIO() # Capture output and errors sys.stdout = code_out sys.stderr = code_err try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handler) signal.alarm(self.settings.timeout) except AttributeError: # No POSIX system pass try: exec(self.macros, globals()) try: signal.alarm(0) except AttributeError: # No POSIX system pass except Exception: exc_info = sys.exc_info() user_tb = get_user_codeframe(exc_info[2]) or exc_info[2] print_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], user_tb, None, err_msg) # Restore stdout and stderr sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ results = code_out.getvalue() errs = code_err.getvalue() + err_msg.getvalue() code_out.close() code_err.close() # Reset result cache self.result_cache.clear() return results, errs
[docs] def _sorted_keys(self, keys: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]], startkey: Tuple[int, int, int], reverse: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """Generator that yields sorted keys starting with startkey :param keys: Key sequence that is sorted :param startkey: First key to be yielded :param reverse: Sort direction reversed if True """ def tuple_key(tpl): return tpl[::-1] if reverse: def tuple_cmp(tpl): return tpl[::-1] > startkey[::-1] else: def tuple_cmp(tpl): return tpl[::-1] < startkey[::-1] searchkeys = sorted(keys, key=tuple_key, reverse=reverse) searchpos = sum(1 for _ in filter(tuple_cmp, searchkeys)) searchkeys = searchkeys[searchpos:] + searchkeys[:searchpos] for key in searchkeys: yield key
[docs] def string_match(self, datastring: str, findstring: str, word: bool, case: bool, regexp: bool) -> int: """Returns position of findstring in datastring or None if not found :param datastring: String to be searched :param findstring: Search string :param word: Search full words only if True :param case: Search case sensitively if True :param regexp: Regular expression search if True """ if not isinstance(datastring, str): # Empty cell return if regexp: match =, datastring) if match is None: pos = -1 else: pos = match.start() else: if not case: datastring = datastring.lower() findstring = findstring.lower() if word: pos = -1 matchstring = r'\b' + findstring + r'+\b' for match in re.finditer(matchstring, datastring): pos = match.start() break # find 1st occurrance else: pos = datastring.find(findstring) if pos == -1: return None return pos
[docs] def findnextmatch(self, startkey: Tuple[int, int, int], find_string: str, up: bool = False, word: bool = False, case: bool = False, regexp: bool = False, results: bool = True ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns tuple with position of the next match of find_string or None :param startkey: Start position of search :param find_string: String to be searched for :param up: Search up instead of down if True :param word: Search full words only if True :param case: Search case sensitively if True :param regexp: Regular expression search if True :param results: Search includes result string if True (slower) """ def is_matching(key, find_string, word, case, regexp): code = self(key) pos = self.string_match(code, find_string, word, case, regexp) if results: if pos is not None: return True r_str = str(self[key]) pos = self.string_match(r_str, find_string, word, case, regexp) return pos is not None # List of keys in sgrid in search order table = startkey[2] keys = [key for key in self.keys() if key[2] == table] for key in self._sorted_keys(keys, startkey, reverse=up): try: if is_matching(key, find_string, word, case, regexp): return key except Exception: # re errors are cryptical: sre_constants,... pass
[docs] def handler(self, signum: Any, frame: Any): """Signal handler for timeout :param signum: Ignored :param frame: Ignored """ raise RuntimeError("Timeout after {} s.".format(self.settings.timeout))
# End of class CodeArray