Source code for widgets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright Martin Manns
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# pyspread is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pyspread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyspread.  If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------



 * :class:`MultiStateBitmapButton`
 * :class:`RotationButton`
 * :class:`JustificationButton`
 * :class:`RendererButton`
 * :class:`AlignmentButton`
 * :class:`ColorButton`
 * :class:`TextColorButton`
 * :class:`LineColorButton`
 * :class:`BackgroundColorButton`
 * :class:`MenuComboBox`
 * :class:`TypeMenuComboBox`
 * :class:`FontChoiceCombo`
 * :class:`FontSizeCombo`
 * :class:`Widgets`
 * :class:`FindEditor`
 * :class:`CellButton`
 * :class:`HelpBrowser`


from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

    from markdown2 import markdown
except ImportError:
    markdown = None

from PyQt6.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QSize, Qt, QModelIndex, QPoint
from PyQt6.QtWidgets \
    import (QToolButton, QColorDialog, QFontComboBox, QComboBox, QSizePolicy,
            QLineEdit, QPushButton, QTextBrowser, QWidget, QMainWindow,
            QMenu, QTableView)
from PyQt6.QtGui import (QPalette, QColor, QFont, QIntValidator, QCursor,
                         QIcon, QAction)

    from pyspread.actions import Action
    from pyspread.icons import Icon
    from pyspread.lib.csv import typehandlers, currencies
except ImportError:
    from actions import Action
    from icons import Icon
    from lib.csv import typehandlers, currencies

[docs] class MultiStateBitmapButton(QToolButton): """QToolButton that cycles through arbitrary states The states are defined by an iterable of QIcons """ def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__() self.main_window = main_window self._current_action_idx = 0 self.clicked.connect(self.on_clicked) @property def current_action_idx(self) -> int: """Index of current action""" return self._current_action_idx @current_action_idx.setter def current_action_idx(self, index: int): """Sets current action index and updates button and menu :param index: Index of action to be set """ self._current_action_idx = index action = self.get_action(index) self.setIcon(action.icon())
[docs] def get_action(self, index: int) -> QAction: """Returns action from index in action_names :param index: Index of action to be returned """ action_name = self.action_names[index] return self.main_window.main_window_actions[action_name]
[docs] def set_current_action(self, action_name: str): """Sets current action :param action_name: Name of action as in MainWindowActions """ self.current_action_idx = self.action_names.index(action_name)
[docs] def next(self) -> QAction: """Advances current_action_idx and returns current action""" if self.current_action_idx >= len(self.action_names) - 1: self.current_action_idx = 0 else: self.current_action_idx += 1 return self.get_action(self.current_action_idx)
[docs] def set_menu_checked(self, action_name: str): """Sets checked status of menu :param action_name: Name of action as in MainWindowActions """ action = self.main_window.main_window_actions[action_name] action.setChecked(True)
[docs] def on_clicked(self): """Button clicked event handler. Chechs corresponding menu item""" action = action.trigger() action.setChecked(True)
[docs] class RotationButton(MultiStateBitmapButton): """Rotation button for the format toolbar""" label = "Rotate" action_names = "rotate_0", "rotate_90", "rotate_180", "rotate_270" def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__(main_window) self.setStatusTip("Text rotation") self.setToolTip("Text rotation")
[docs] def icon(self) -> QIcon: """Returns icon for button identification""" return Icon.rotate_0
[docs] class JustificationButton(MultiStateBitmapButton): """Justification button for the format toolbar""" label = "Justification" action_names = ("justify_left", "justify_center", "justify_right", "justify_fill") def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__(main_window) self.setStatusTip("Text justification") self.setToolTip("Text justification")
[docs] def icon(self) -> QIcon: """Returns icon for button identification""" return Icon.justify_left
[docs] class RendererButton(MultiStateBitmapButton): """Cell render button for the format toolbar""" label = "Renderer" action_names = "text", "markup", "image", "matplotlib" def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__(main_window) self.setStatusTip("Cell render type") self.setToolTip("Cell render type")
[docs] def icon(self) -> QIcon: """Returns icon for button identification""" return Icon.text
[docs] class AlignmentButton(MultiStateBitmapButton): """Alignment button for the format toolbar""" label = "Alignment" action_names = "align_top", "align_center", "align_bottom" def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__(main_window) self.setStatusTip("Text alignment") self.setToolTip("Text alignment")
[docs] def icon(self) -> QIcon: """Returns icon for button identification""" return Icon.align_top
[docs] class ColorButton(QToolButton): """Color button widget""" colorChanged = pyqtSignal() title = "Select Color" default_color = None _color = None def __init__(self, color: QColor, icon: QIcon = None, max_size: QSize = QSize(28, 28)): """ :param color: Color that is initially set :param icon: Button foreground image :param max_size: Maximum Size of the button """ super().__init__() self.set_max_size(max_size) if icon is not None: self.setIcon(icon) self.color = color self.pressed.connect(self.on_pressed) @property def color(self) -> QColor: """Chosen color""" return self._color @color.setter def color(self, color: QColor): """Color setter that adjusts internal state and button background :param color: Color to be set """ if self._color == color: return self._color = color palette = self.palette() palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Button, color) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setPalette(palette) self.update()
[docs] def set_max_size(self, size: QSize): """Set the maximum size of the widget :param color: Maximum button size """ self.setMaximumWidth(size.width()) self.setMaximumHeight(size.height())
[docs] def on_pressed(self): """Button pressed event handler Shows color dialog and sets the chosen color. """ dlg = QColorDialog(self.parent()) dlg.setCurrentColor(self.color) if self.default_color is not None: dlg.setCustomColor(15, self.default_color) dlg.setWindowTitle(self.title) dlg.setWindowFlags( Qt.WindowType.Tool | Qt.WindowType.FramelessWindowHint) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModality.ApplicationModal) dlg.setOptions(QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption.DontUseNativeDialog) pos = self.mapFromGlobal(QCursor.pos()) pos.setX(pos.x() + int(self.rect().width() / 2)) pos.setY(pos.y() + int(self.rect().height() / 2)) dlg.move(self.mapToGlobal(pos)) if dlg.exec(): self.color = dlg.currentColor() self.colorChanged.emit()
[docs] class TextColorButton(ColorButton): """Color button with text icon""" label = "Text Color" def __init__(self, color: QColor): """ :param color: Color that is initially set """ icon = Icon.text_color super().__init__(color, icon=icon) self.title = "Select text color" self.setStatusTip("Text color") self.setToolTip("Text color") self.default_color = self.palette().color(QPalette.ColorRole.Text)
[docs] class LineColorButton(ColorButton): """Color button with text icon""" label = "Line Color" def __init__(self, color: QColor): """ :param color: Color that is initially set """ icon = Icon.line_color super().__init__(color, icon=icon) self.title = "Select cell border line color" self.setStatusTip("Cell border line color") self.setToolTip("Cell border line color") self.default_color = self.palette().color(QPalette.ColorRole.Mid)
[docs] class BackgroundColorButton(ColorButton): """Color button with text icon""" label = "Background Color" def __init__(self, color: QColor): """ :param color: Color that is initially set """ icon = Icon.background_color super().__init__(color, icon=icon) self.title = "Select cell background color" self.setStatusTip("Cell background color") self.setToolTip("Cell background color") self.default_color = self.palette().color(QPalette.ColorRole.Base)
[docs] class TypeMenuComboBox(MenuComboBox): """MenuComboBox that comprises types and currencies for CSV import""" def __init__(self): items = {} for typehandler in typehandlers: if typehandler == "Money": items[typehandler] = dict((currency.code, None) for currency in currencies) else: items[typehandler] = None super().__init__(items)
[docs] class FontChoiceCombo(QFontComboBox): """Font choice combo box""" label = "Font Family" fontChanged = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__(main_window) self.setMaximumWidth(150) # Set default font self.setFont(QFont()) self.currentFontChanged.connect(self.on_font) @property def font(self) -> str: """Font family name""" return self.currentFont().family() @font.setter def font(self, font: str): """Sets font from family name without emitting currentTextChanged""" self.currentFontChanged.disconnect(self.on_font) self.setCurrentFont(QFont(font)) self.currentFontChanged.connect(self.on_font)
[docs] def icon(self) -> QIcon: """Returns QIcon for button identification""" return Icon.font_dialog
[docs] def on_font(self): """Font choice event handler""" self.fontChanged.emit()
[docs] class FontSizeCombo(QComboBox): """Font choice combo box""" label = "Font Size" fontSizeChanged = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ super().__init__() self.setEditable(True) for size in main_window.settings.font_sizes: self.addItem(str(size)) idx = self.findText(str(main_window.settings.font_sizes)) if idx >= 0: self.setCurrentIndex(idx) validator = QIntValidator(1, 128, self) self.setValidator(validator) self.currentTextChanged.connect(self.on_text) @property def size(self) -> int: """Size of current text""" return int(self.currentText()) @size.setter def size(self, size: int): """Sets size without emitting currentTextChanged :param size: Size to be set """ self.currentTextChanged.disconnect(self.on_text) self.setCurrentText(str(size)) self.currentTextChanged.connect(self.on_text)
[docs] def icon(self) -> QIcon: """Returns icon for button identification""" return Icon.font_dialog
[docs] def on_text(self): """Font size choice event handler""" try: value = int(self.currentText()) except ValueError: value = 1 self.setCurrentText("1") if value < 1: self.setCurrentText("1") if value > 128: self.setCurrentText("128") self.fontSizeChanged.emit()
[docs] class Widgets: """Container class for widgets""" def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ :param main_window: Application main window """ # Format toolbar widgets self.font_combo = FontChoiceCombo(main_window) self.font_size_combo = FontSizeCombo(main_window) text_color = QColor("black") self.text_color_button = TextColorButton(text_color) background_color = QColor("white") self.background_color_button = BackgroundColorButton(background_color) line_color = QColor("black") self.line_color_button = LineColorButton(line_color) self.renderer_button = RendererButton(main_window) self.rotate_button = RotationButton(main_window) self.justify_button = JustificationButton(main_window) self.align_button = AlignmentButton(main_window)
[docs] class FindEditor(QLineEdit): """The Find editor widget for the find toolbar""" up = False word = False case = False regexp = False results = False def __init__(self, parent: QWidget): """ :param parent: Parent widget """ super().__init__(parent) self.actions = parent.main_window.main_window_actions self.label = "Find editor" self.icon = lambda: Icon.find_next self.sizePolicy().setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred) self.setClearButtonEnabled(True) self.addAction(self.actions.find_next, QLineEdit.ActionPosition.LeadingPosition) workflows = parent.main_window.workflows self.returnPressed.connect(workflows.edit_find_next) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_context_menu)
[docs] def prepend_actions(self, menu: QMenu): """Prepends find specific actions to menu :param menu: Find editor context menu """ toggle_case = Action(self, "Match &case", self.on_toggle_case, checkable=True, statustip='Match case in search') toggle_results = Action(self, "Code and results", self.on_toggle_results, checkable=True, statustip='Search also considers string ' 'representations of result objects.') toggle_up = Action(self, "Search &backward", self.on_toggle_up, checkable=True, statustip='Search fore-/backwards') toggle_word = Action(self, "&Whole words", self.on_toggle_word, checkable=True, statustip='Whole word search') toggle_regexp = Action(self, "Regular expression", self.on_toggle_regexp, checkable=True, statustip='Regular expression search') toggle_case.setChecked( toggle_results.setChecked(self.results) toggle_up.setChecked(self.up) toggle_word.setChecked(self.word) toggle_regexp.setChecked(self.regexp) actions = (toggle_case, toggle_results, toggle_up, toggle_word, toggle_regexp) menu.insertActions(menu.actions()[0], actions)
[docs] def on_context_menu(self, point: QPoint): """Context menu event handler :param point: Context menu coordinates on screen """ menu = self.createStandardContextMenu() menu.insertSeparator(menu.actions()[0]) self.prepend_actions(menu) menu.exec(self.mapToGlobal(point))
[docs] def on_toggle_up(self, toggled: bool): """Find upwards toggle event handler :param toggled: up option toggle state """ self.up = toggled
[docs] def on_toggle_word(self, toggled: bool): """Find whole word toggle event handler :param toggled: whole word option toggle state """ self.word = toggled
[docs] def on_toggle_case(self, toggled: bool): """Find case sensitively toggle event handler :param toggled: case sensitivity option toggle state """ = toggled
[docs] def on_toggle_regexp(self, toggled: bool): """Find with regular expression toggle event handler :param toggled: regular expression option toggle state """ self.regexp = toggled
[docs] def on_toggle_results(self, toggled: bool): """Find in results toggle event handler :param toggled: results option toggle state """ self.results = toggled
[docs] class CellButton(QPushButton): """Button that is used for button cells in the grid""" def __init__(self, text: str, grid: QTableView, key: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ :param text: button label text :param grid: Main grid :param key: key of button's cell (row, column, table) """ super().__init__(text, grid) self.grid = grid self.key = key # Key of button cell self.clicked.connect(self.on_clicked)
[docs] def on_clicked(self): """Clicked event handler, executes cell code""" code = self.grid.model.code_array(self.key) result = self.grid.model.code_array._eval_cell(self.key, code) self.grid.model.code_array.frozen_cache[repr(self.key)] = result self.grid.model.code_array.result_cache.clear() self.grid.model.dataChanged.emit(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex())
[docs] class HelpBrowser(QTextBrowser): """Help browser widget""" def __init__(self, parent: QWidget, path: Path): """ :param parent: Parent window :param path: Path to markdown file that is displayed """ super().__init__(parent) self.setReadOnly(True) self.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.update(path)
[docs] def update(self, path: Path): """Updates content :param path: Path to markdown file that is displayed """ self.setSearchPaths([str(path.parents[0])]) self.setHtml(self.get_html(path))
[docs] def get_html(self, path: Path) -> str: """Returns html content for content of browser :param path: Path to markdown file that is displayed """ try: with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as helpfile: help_text = except IOError as err: return "Error opening file {}: {}".format(path, err) if markdown is None: error_msg = "<b>Warning: markdown2 is not installed.<br>" + \ "Rendering as pain text.</b><p>" return error_msg + help_text.replace("\n", "<br>") return markdown(help_text, extras=['metadata', 'code-friendly', 'fenced-code-blocks'])