Source code for pyspread.workflows

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright Martin Manns
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# pyspread is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pyspread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyspread.  If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------


Workflows for pyspread


from ast import literal_eval
from base64 import b85encode
import bz2
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
import csv
import io
import logging
import numpy
import os.path
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import move
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import Iterable, Tuple

from PyQt6.QtCore import (Qt, QMimeData, QModelIndex, QBuffer, QRect, QRectF,
                          QItemSelectionModel, QSize)
from PyQt6.QtGui import QTextDocument, QImage, QPainter, QUndoCommand
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QMessageBox, QInputDialog,
                             QStyleOptionViewItem, QTableView)
    from PyQt6.QtSvg import QSvgGenerator
except ImportError:
    QSvgGenerator = None

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.figure as matplotlib_figure
except ImportError:
    matplotlib = None
    matplotlib_figure = None

    import openpyxl
except ImportError:
    openpyxl = None

    from pyspread import commands
    from pyspread.dialogs \
        import (DiscardChangesDialog, FileOpenDialog, GridShapeDialog,
                FileSaveDialog, ImageFileOpenDialog, ChartDialog,
                CellKeyDialog, FindDialog, ReplaceDialog, CsvFileImportDialog,
                CsvImportDialog, CsvExportDialog, CsvExportAreaDialog,
                FileExportDialog, SvgExportAreaDialog, SinglePageArea)
    from pyspread.interfaces.pys import PysReader, PysWriter
    from pyspread.interfaces.xlsx import XlsxReader
    from pyspread.lib.attrdict import AttrDict
    from pyspread.lib.hashing import sign, verify
    from pyspread.lib.selection import Selection
    from pyspread.lib.typechecks import is_svg, check_shape_validity
    from pyspread.lib.csv import csv_reader, convert
    from pyspread.lib.file_helpers import \
        (linecount, file_progress_gen, ProgressDialogCanceled)
    from pyspread.model.model import CellAttribute, class_format_functions
except ImportError:
    import commands
    from dialogs \
        import (DiscardChangesDialog, FileOpenDialog, GridShapeDialog,
                FileSaveDialog, ImageFileOpenDialog, ChartDialog,
                CellKeyDialog, FindDialog, ReplaceDialog, CsvFileImportDialog,
                CsvImportDialog, CsvExportDialog, CsvExportAreaDialog,
                FileExportDialog, SvgExportAreaDialog, SinglePageArea)
    from interfaces.pys import PysReader, PysWriter
    from interfaces.xlsx import XlsxReader
    from lib.attrdict import AttrDict
    from lib.hashing import sign, verify
    from lib.selection import Selection
    from lib.typechecks import is_svg, check_shape_validity
    from lib.csv import csv_reader, convert
    from lib.file_helpers import \
        (linecount, file_progress_gen, ProgressDialogCanceled)
    from model.model import CellAttribute, class_format_functions

[docs] class Workflows: """Workflow container class""" cell2dialog = {} # Stores acrive chart dialogs def __init__(self, main_window): self.main_window = main_window
[docs] @contextmanager def busy_cursor(self): """:class:`~contextlib.contextmanager` that displays a busy cursor""" QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.CursorShape.WaitCursor) yield QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
[docs] @contextmanager def prevent_updates(self): """:class:`~contextlib.contextmanager` sets the prevent_updates state The prevent_updates state prevents updates in main_window.grid.setData """ self.main_window.prevent_updates = True yield self.main_window.prevent_updates = False
[docs] def handle_changed_since_save(func, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator to handle changes since last saving the document If changes are present then a dialog is displayed that asks if the changes shall be discarded. - If the user selects `Cancel` then `func` is not executed. - If the user selects `Save` then the file is saved and `func` is executed. - If the user selects `Discard` then the file is not saved and `func` is executed. If no changes are present then `func` is directly executed. After executing `func`, :func:`reset_changed_since_save` and `update_main_window_title` are called. """ def function_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check changes and display and handle the dialog""" if self.main_window.settings.changed_since_save: choice = DiscardChangesDialog(self.main_window).choice if choice is None: return if not choice: # We try to save to a file if self.file_save() is False: # File could not be saved --> Abort return try: func(self, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: func(self) # No args accepted self.reset_changed_since_save() self.update_main_window_title() return function_wrapper
[docs] def reset_changed_since_save(self): """Sets changed_since_save to False and updates the window title""" # Change the main window filepath state self.main_window.settings.changed_since_save = False
[docs] def update_main_window_title(self): """Change the main window title to reflect the current file name""" # Get the current filepath filepath = self.main_window.settings.last_file_input_path if filepath == Path.home(): title = "pyspread" else: title = f"{} - pyspread" self.main_window.setWindowTitle(title)
[docs] @handle_changed_since_save def file_new(self): """File new workflow""" # Get grid shape from user old_shape = self.main_window.grid.model.code_array.shape shape = GridShapeDialog(self.main_window, old_shape).shape # Check if shape is valid if shape is None: return try: check_shape_validity(shape, self.main_window.settings.maxshape) except ValueError as err: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage('Error: ' + str(err)) return # Set current cell to upper left corner for grid in self.main_window.grids: grid.current = 0, 0, 0 # Select upper left cell because initial selection behaves strange grid.reset_selection() # Reset grid self.main_window.grid.model.reset() # Empty undo stack self.main_window.undo_stack.clear() # Delete old filepath self.main_window.settings.last_file_input_path = Path.home() # Set new shape self.main_window.grid.model.shape = shape # Update cell spans and zoom because this is unsupported by the model for grid in self.main_window.grids: with grid.undo_resizing_row(): with grid.undo_resizing_column(): grid.update_cell_spans() grid.update_zoom() # Update index widgets grid.update_index_widgets() # Set current cell to upper left corner for grid in self.main_window.grids: grid.current = 0, 0, 0 # Change the main window filepath state self.main_window.settings.changed_since_save = False # Update macro editor self.main_window.macro_panel.update() # Exit safe mode self.main_window.safe_mode = False
[docs] def count_file_lines(self, filepath: Path): """Returns line count of file in filepath :param filepath: Path of file to be analyzed """ try: with open(filepath, 'rb') as infile: return linecount(infile) except OSError as error: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(str(error)) return
[docs] def filepath_open(self, filepath: Path): """Workflow for opening a file if a filepath is known :param filepath: Path of file to be opened """ grid = self.main_window.grid code_array = grid.model.code_array # Get number of lines for progress dialog filelines = self.count_file_lines(filepath) if not filelines: # May not be None or 0 return # Reset grid grid.model.reset() # Empty undo stack self.main_window.undo_stack.clear() # Reset macro editor self.main_window.macro_panel.macro_editor.clear() # Is the file signed properly ? self.main_window.safe_mode = True signature_key = self.main_window.settings.signature_key try: with open(filepath, "rb") as infile: signature_path = filepath.with_suffix(filepath.suffix + '.sig') with open(signature_path, "rb") as sigfile: self.main_window.safe_mode = not verify(,, signature_key) except OSError: self.main_window.safe_mode = True # File format handling if filepath.suffix == ".pysu": fopen = open freader = PysReader elif filepath.suffix == ".pys": fopen = freader = PysReader elif filepath.suffix == ".xlsx": if openpyxl is None: msg = f"openpyxl is not installed. {filepath} not opened." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return fopen = open freader = XlsxReader else: msg = f"Unknown file format {filepath.suffix}. "\ f"{filepath} not opened." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return # Process events before showing the modal progress dialog QApplication.instance().processEvents() # Change into file directory os.chdir(filepath.parent) # Load file into grid title = "File open progress" label = f"Opening {}..." try: with fopen(filepath, "rb") as infile: reader = freader(infile, code_array) try: for i, _ in file_progress_gen(self.main_window, reader, title, label, filelines): pass except Exception as error: logging.error(error) grid.model.reset() self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(str(error)) self.main_window.safe_mode = False return except ProgressDialogCanceled: msg = f"File open stopped by user at line {i}." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) grid.model.reset() self.main_window.safe_mode = False return except Exception as err: # A lot may got wrong with a malformed pys file, includes OSError msg_tpl = "Error opening file {filepath}: {err}." msg = msg_tpl.format(filepath=filepath, err=err) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) # Reset grid grid.model.reset() self.main_window.safe_mode = False return # Explicitly set the grid shape shape = code_array.shape grid.model.shape = shape # Update cell spans and zoom because this is unsupported by the model for grid in self.main_window.grids: with grid.undo_resizing_row(): with grid.undo_resizing_column(): grid.update_cell_spans() grid.update_zoom() # Update index widgets grid.update_index_widgets() grid.model.dataChanged.emit(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex()) # Select upper left cell because initial selection oddities grid.reset_selection() # Change the main window last input directory state self.main_window.settings.last_file_input_path = filepath self.main_window.settings.last_file_output_path = filepath # Change the main window filepath state self.main_window.settings.changed_since_save = False # Update macro editor self.main_window.macro_panel.update() # Add to file history self.main_window.settings.add_to_file_history(filepath.as_posix()) # Update recent files in the file menu self.main_window.menuBar().file_menu.history_submenu.update() return filepath
[docs] @handle_changed_since_save def file_open(self): """File open workflow""" # Get filepath from user dial = FileOpenDialog(self.main_window) if not dial.file_path: return # Cancel pressed filepath = Path(dial.file_path).with_suffix(dial.suffix) self.filepath_open(filepath)
[docs] @handle_changed_since_save def file_open_recent(self, filepath: Path): """File open recent workflow :param filepath: Path of file to be opened """ self.filepath_open(Path(filepath))
[docs] def sign_file(self, filepath: Path): """Signs filepath if not in :attr:`model.model.DataArray.safe_mode` :param filepath: Path of file to be signed """ if self.main_window.safe_mode: msg = "File saved but not signed because it is unapproved." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return signature_key = self.main_window.settings.signature_key try: with open(filepath, "rb") as infile: signature = sign(, signature_key) except OSError as err: msg = f"Error signing file: {err}" self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return if signature is None or not signature: msg = 'Error signing file.' self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return signature_path = filepath.with_suffix(filepath.suffix + '.sig') try: with open(signature_path, 'wb') as signfile: signfile.write(signature) msg = "File saved and signed." except OSError as err: msg_tpl = "Error signing file {filepath}: {err}." msg = msg_tpl.format(filepath=filepath, err=err) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
def _save(self, filepath: Path): """Save filepath using chosen_filter Compresses save file if filepath.suffix is `.pys` :param filepath: Path of file to be saved """ code_array = self.main_window.grid.model.code_array # Process events before showing the modal progress dialog QApplication.instance().processEvents() # Save grid to temporary file title = "File save progress" label = f"Saving {}..." with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tempfile: filename = try: pys_writer = PysWriter(code_array) try: for _, line in file_progress_gen( self.main_window, pys_writer, title, label, len(pys_writer)): line = bytes(line, "utf-8") if filepath.suffix == ".pys": line = bz2.compress(line) tempfile.write(line) except ProgressDialogCanceled: msg = "File save stopped by user." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) tempfile.delete = True # Delete incomplete tmpfile return False except (OSError, ValueError) as err: tempfile.delete = True QMessageBox.critical(self.main_window, "Error saving file", str(err)) return False try: if filepath.exists() and not os.access(filepath, os.W_OK): raise PermissionError(f"No write access to {filepath}") move(filename, filepath) except OSError as err: # No tmp file present QMessageBox.critical(self.main_window, "Error saving file", str(err)) return False # Change the main window filepath state self.main_window.settings.changed_since_save = False # Set the current filepath self.main_window.settings.last_file_output_path = filepath # Change the main window title self.main_window.setWindowTitle(f"{} - pyspread") # Add to file history self.main_window.settings.add_to_file_history(filepath.as_posix()) # Update recent files in the file menu self.main_window.menuBar().file_menu.history_submenu.update() self.sign_file(filepath)
[docs] def file_save(self): """File save workflow""" filepath = self.main_window.settings.last_file_output_path if filepath.suffix and self._save(filepath) is not False: return # New, changed file that has never been saved before # Now the user has aborted the file save as dialog or # there was a write error return self.file_save_as()
[docs] def file_save_as(self): """File save as workflow""" # Get filepath from user dial = FileSaveDialog(self.main_window) if not dial.file_path: return False # Cancel pressed filepath = Path(dial.file_path) # Extend filepath suffix if needed if filepath.suffix != dial.suffix: filepath = filepath.with_suffix(dial.suffix) return self._save(filepath)
[docs] def file_import(self): """Import csv files""" # Get filepath from user dial = CsvFileImportDialog(self.main_window) if not dial.file_path: return # Cancel pressed filepath = Path(dial.file_path) self._csv_import(filepath)
def _csv_import(self, filepath: Path): """Import csv from filepath :param filepath: Path of file to be imported """ filelines = self.count_file_lines(filepath) if not filelines: # May not be None or 0 title = "CSV Import Error" text = f"File {filepath} seems to be empty." QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, title, text) return # Store file import path for next time importing a file self.main_window.settings.last_file_import_path = filepath digest_types = self.main_window.settings.digest_types csv_dlg = CsvImportDialog(self.main_window, filepath, digest_types=digest_types) if not csv_dlg.exec(): return self.main_window.settings.digest_types = csv_dlg.digest_types dialect = csv_dlg.dialect digest_types = csv_dlg.digest_types try: keep_header = dialect.hasheader and dialect.keepheader except AttributeError: keep_header = False grid = self.main_window.focused_grid row, column, _ = current = grid.current model = grid.model rows, columns, tables = model.shape # Dialog accepted, now check if grid is large enough csv_rows = filelines if dialect.hasheader and not dialect.keepheader: csv_rows -= 1 csv_columns = csv_dlg.csv_table.model.columnCount() max_rows, max_columns = self.main_window.settings.maxshape[:2] if csv_rows > rows - row or csv_columns > columns - column: if csv_rows + row > max_rows or csv_columns + column > max_columns: # Required grid size is too large text_tpl = "The csv file {} does not fit into the grid.\n " +\ "\nIt has {} rows and {} columns. Counting from " +\ "the current cell, {} rows and {} columns would " +\ "be needed, which exeeds the maximum shape of " +\ "{} rows and {} columns. Data that does not fit " +\ "inside the grid is discarded.\n \nDo you want " +\ "to increase the grid size so that as much data " +\ "from the csv file as possible fits in?" text = text_tpl.format(filepath, csv_rows, csv_columns, rows-row, columns-column, max_rows, max_columns) else: # Shall we resize the grid? text_tpl = \ "The csv file {} does not fit into the grid.\n \n" +\ "It has {} rows and {} columns. Counting from the " +\ "current cell, only {} rows and {} columns remain for " +\ "CSV data.\n \nData that does not fit inside the grid " +\ "is discarded.\n \nDo you want to increase the grid " +\ "size so that all csv file data fits in?" text = text_tpl.format(filepath, csv_rows, csv_columns, rows-row, columns-column) title = "CSV Content Exceeds Grid Shape" choices = QMessageBox.StandardButton.No \ | QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes \ | QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel default_choice = QMessageBox.StandardButton.No choice = QMessageBox.question(self.main_window, title, text, choices, default_choice) if choice == QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes: # Resize grid target_rows = min(max_rows, max(csv_rows + row, rows)) target_columns = min(max_columns, max(csv_columns + column, columns)) self._resize_grid((target_rows, target_columns, tables)) rows = target_rows columns = target_columns elif choice == QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel: return # Now fill the grid description_tpl = "Import from csv file {} at cell {}" description = description_tpl.format(filepath, current) command = None title = "csv import progress" label = f"Importing {}..." try: if hasattr(dialect, "encoding"): __encoding = dialect.encoding else: __encoding = csv_dlg.csv_encoding with open(filepath, newline='', encoding=__encoding) as csvfile: try: reader = csv_reader(csvfile, dialect) for i, line in file_progress_gen(self.main_window, reader, title, label, filelines): if row + i >= rows: break for j, ele in enumerate(line): if column + j >= columns: break if digest_types is None: code = str(ele) elif i == 0 and keep_header: code = repr(ele) else: code = convert(ele, digest_types[j]) index = model.index(row + i, column + j) _command = commands.SetCellCode(code, model, index, description) try: command.mergeWith(_command) except AttributeError: command = _command except (TypeError, ValueError) as error: title = "CSV Import Error" text_tpl = "Error importing csv file {path}.\n \n" + \ "{errtype}: {error}" text = text_tpl.format(path=filepath, errtype=type(error).__name__, error=error) QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, title, text) return except ProgressDialogCanceled: title = "CSV Import Stopped" text = f"Import stopped by user at line {i}." QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, title, text) return except Exception as error: # A lot may go wrong with malformed csv files, includes OSError title = "CSV Import Error" text_tpl = "Error importing csv file {path}.\n \n" +\ "{errtype}: {error}" text = text_tpl.format(path=filepath, errtype=type(error).__name__, error=error) QMessageBox.warning(self.main_window, title, text) return with self.main_window.entry_line.disable_updates(): with self.busy_cursor(): with self.prevent_updates(): if command is not None: self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command)
[docs] def file_export(self): """Export csv and svg files""" # Determine what filters ae available filters_list = ["CSV (*.csv)", "SVG (*.svg)"] grid = self.main_window.focused_grid current = grid.current code_array = grid.model.code_array res = code_array[current] if isinstance(res, QImage): filters_list.append("JPG of current cell (*.jpg)") if isinstance(res, (QImage, matplotlib.figure.Figure)): filters_list.append("PNG of current cell (*.png)") if isinstance(res, matplotlib.figure.Figure): filters_list.append("SVG of current cell (*.svg)") # Get filepath from user dial = FileExportDialog(self.main_window, filters_list) if not dial.file_path: return # Cancel pressed filepath = Path(dial.file_path) # Store file export path for next time exporting a file self.main_window.settings.last_file_export_path = filepath if "CSV" in dial.selected_filter: self._csv_export(filepath) return if "SVG" in dial.selected_filter: # Extend filepath suffix if needed if filepath.suffix != dial.suffix: filepath = filepath.with_suffix(dial.suffix) self.svg_export(filepath) return # Extend filepath suffix if needed if filepath.suffix != dial.suffix: filepath = filepath.with_suffix(dial.suffix) if "JPG" in dial.selected_filter: if isinstance(res, QImage): self._qimage_export(str(filepath), file_format="jpg") if "PNG" in dial.selected_filter: if isinstance(res, QImage): self._qimage_export(str(filepath), file_format="png") elif isinstance(res, matplotlib.figure.Figure): self._matplotlib_export(filepath, file_format="png") elif "SVG" in dial.selected_filter: if isinstance(res, matplotlib.figure.Figure): self._matplotlib_export(filepath, file_format="svg")
def _csv_export(self, filepath: Path): """Export to csv file filepath :param filepath: Path of file to be exported """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid # Get area for csv export area = CsvExportAreaDialog(self.main_window, grid, title="Csv export area").area if area is None: return code_array = grid.model.code_array table = grid.table csv_data = code_array[ area.bottom + 1, area.left: area.right + 1, table] csv_dlg = CsvExportDialog(self.main_window, area) if not csv_dlg.exec(): return try: with open(filepath, "w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect=csv_dlg.dialect) writer.writerows(csv_data) except OSError as error: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(str(error))
[docs] def svg_export(self, filepath: Path, svg_area: SinglePageArea = None): """Export to svg file filepath :param filepath: Path of file to be exported :param svg_area: Area of the grid to be exported """ with self.print_zoom(): grid = self.main_window.grid generator = QSvgGenerator() generator.setFileName(str(filepath)) if svg_area is None: # Get area for svg export svg_area = SvgExportAreaDialog(self.main_window, grid, title="Svg export area").area if svg_area is None: return self.main_window.print_area = svg_area rows = self.get_paint_rows(, svg_area.bottom) columns = self.get_paint_columns(svg_area.left, svg_area.right) total_height = self.get_total_height(, svg_area.bottom) total_width = self.get_total_width(svg_area.left, svg_area.right) x_offset = grid.columnViewportPosition(0) y_offset = grid.rowViewportPosition(0) top_left_idx = grid.model.index(, svg_area.left) top_left_visual_rect = grid.visualRect(top_left_idx) generator.setSize(QSize(total_width, total_height)) paint_rect = QRectF(top_left_visual_rect.x() - x_offset, top_left_visual_rect.y() - y_offset, total_width, total_height) generator.setViewBox(paint_rect) option = QStyleOptionViewItem() painter = QPainter(generator) self.paint(painter, option, paint_rect, rows, columns) painter.end() self.main_window.print_area = None
def _qimage_export(self, filepath: Path, file_format: str): """Export to png file filepath :param filepath: Path of file to be exported :param file_format: File format to be exported, e.g. png """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid code_array = grid.model.code_array qimage = code_array[grid.current] try: if not, file_format): msg = f"Could not save {filepath}" self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) except Exception as error: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(str(error)) def _matplotlib_export(self, filepath: Path, file_format: str): """Export to svg file filepath :param filepath: Path of file to be exported :param file_format: File format to be exported, e.g. png or svg """ if matplotlib is None: # matplotlib is not installed return grid = self.main_window.focused_grid code_array = grid.model.code_array figure = code_array[grid.current] try: figure.savefig(filepath, format=file_format) except Exception as error: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(str(error))
[docs] @contextmanager def print_zoom(self, zoom: float = 1.0): """Decorator for tasks that have to take place in standard zoom :param zoom: Print zoom factor """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid __zoom = grid.zoom grid.zoom = zoom yield grid.zoom = __zoom
[docs] def get_paint_rows(self, top: int, bottom: int) -> Iterable[int]: """Iterator of rows to paint :param top: First row to paint :param bottom: Last row to paint """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid rows = grid.model.shape[0] top = max(0, min(rows - 1, top)) bottom = max(0, min(rows - 1, bottom)) if top == -1: top = 0 if bottom == -1: bottom = grid.model.shape[0] return range(top, bottom + 1)
[docs] def get_paint_columns(self, left: int, right: int) -> Iterable[int]: """Iterator of columns to paint :param left: First column to paint :param right: Last column to paint """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid columns = grid.model.shape[1] left = max(0, min(columns - 1, left)) right = max(0, min(columns - 1, right)) if left == -1: left = 0 if right == -1: right = grid.model.shape[1] return range(left, right + 1)
[docs] def get_paint_tables(self, first: int, last: int) -> Iterable[int]: """Iterator of tables to paint :param first: First table to paint :param last: Last table to paint """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid tables = grid.model.shape[2] first = max(0, min(tables - 1, first)) last = max(0, min(tables - 1, last)) if first == -1: first = 0 if last == -1: last = grid.model.shape[2] return range(first, last + 1)
[docs] def get_total_height(self, top: int, bottom: int) -> float: """Total height of paint_rows :param top: First row to evaluate :param bottom: Last row to evaluate """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid rows = self.get_paint_rows(top, bottom) return sum(grid.rowHeight(row) for row in rows)
[docs] def get_total_width(self, left: int, right: int) -> float: """Total height of paint_columns :param left: First column to evaluate :param right: Last column to evaluate """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid columns = self.get_paint_columns(left, right) return sum(grid.columnWidth(column) for column in columns)
[docs] def paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, paint_rect: QRectF, rows: Iterable[int], columns: Iterable[int]): """Grid paint workflow for printing and svg export :param painter: Painter with which the grid is drawn :param option: Style option for rendering :param paint_rect: Rectangle, which is drawn at the grid borders :param rows: Rows to be painted :param columns: Columns to be painted """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid code_array = grid.model.code_array cell_attributes = code_array.cell_attributes x_offset = grid.columnViewportPosition(0) y_offset = grid.rowViewportPosition(0) max_width = 0 max_height = 0 for row in rows: for column in columns: key = row, column, grid.table merging_cell = cell_attributes.get_merging_cell(key) if merging_cell is None \ or merging_cell[0] == row and merging_cell[1] == column: idx = grid.model.index(row, column) visual_rect = grid.visualRect(idx) x = max(0, visual_rect.x() - x_offset) y = max(0, visual_rect.y() - y_offset) width = visual_rect.width() if visual_rect.x() - x_offset < 0: width += visual_rect.x() - x_offset height = visual_rect.height() if visual_rect.y() - y_offset < 0: height += visual_rect.y() - y_offset option.rect = QRect(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)) option.rectf = QRectF(x, y, width, height) max_width = max(max_width, x + width) max_height = max(max_height, y + height) # painter.setClipRect(option.rectf) option.text = code_array(key) option.widget = grid grid.itemDelegate().paint(painter, option, idx)
[docs] @handle_changed_since_save def file_quit(self): """Program exit workflow""" QApplication.instance().quit()
# Edit menu
[docs] def delete(self, description_tpl: str = "Delete selection {}"): """Delete cells in selection :param description_tpl: Description template for `QUndoCommand` """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model selection = grid.selection description = description_tpl.format(selection) command = commands.DeleteSelectedCellData(grid, model, selection, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command)
[docs] def edit_cut(self): """Edit -> Cut workflow""" self.edit_copy() self.delete(description_tpl="Cut selection {}")
[docs] def edit_copy(self): """Edit -> Copy workflow Copies selected grid code to clipboard """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid table = grid.table selection = grid.selection bbox = selection.get_grid_bbox(grid.model.shape) (top, left), (bottom, right) = bbox data = [] for row in range(top, bottom + 1): data.append([]) for column in range(left, right + 1): if (row, column) in selection: try: code = grid.model.code_array((row, column, table)) except IndexError: code = None if code is None: code = "" code = code.replace("\n", "\u000C") # Replace LF by FF else: code = "" data[-1].append(code) data_string = "\n".join("\t".join(line) for line in data) clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(data_string)
def _copy_results_current(self, grid: QTableView): """Copy cell results for the current cell :param grid: Main grid """ current = grid.current data = grid.model.code_array[current] if data is None: return clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() # Get renderer for current cell renderer = grid.model.code_array.cell_attributes[current].renderer if renderer == "text": clipboard.setText( # clipboard.setText(str(data)) elif renderer == "image": if isinstance(data, QImage): clipboard.setImage(data) else: # We may have an svg image here try: svg_bytes = bytes(data) except TypeError: svg_bytes = bytes(data, encoding='utf-8') if is_svg(svg_bytes): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setData("image/svg+xml", svg_bytes) clipboard.setMimeData(mime_data) elif renderer == "markup": mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setHtml(str(data)) # Also copy data as plain text doc = QTextDocument() doc.setHtml(str(data)) mime_data.setText(doc.toPlainText()) clipboard.setMimeData(mime_data) elif renderer == "matplotlib" and isinstance(data, matplotlib_figure.Figure): # We copy and svg to the clipboard svg_filelike = io.BytesIO() png_filelike = io.BytesIO() data.savefig(svg_filelike, format="svg") data.savefig(png_filelike, format="png") svg_bytes = (svg_filelike.getvalue()) png_image = QImage().fromData(png_filelike.getvalue()) mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setData("image/svg+xml", svg_bytes) mime_data.setImageData(png_image) clipboard.setMimeData(mime_data) def _copy_results_selection(self, grid: QTableView): """Copy selected cells result objects to the clipboard :param grid: Main grid """ def str_nn(ele): """str which returns '' if ele is None""" if ele is None: return '' try: if ele.__class__ in class_format_functions: format_function = class_format_functions[ele.__class__] return format_function(ele) return str(ele) except Exception as err: return str(err) table = grid.table selection = grid.selection bbox = selection.get_grid_bbox(grid.model.shape) (top, left), (bottom, right) = bbox data = grid.model.code_array[top:bottom+1, left:right+1, table] data_string = "\n".join("\t".join(map(str_nn, line)) for line in data) clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(data_string)
[docs] def edit_copy_results(self): """Edit -> Copy results workflow If a selection is present then repr of selected grid cells result objects are copied to the clipboard. If no selection is present, the current cell results are copied to the clipboard. This can be plain text, html, a png image or an svg image. """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid if grid.has_selection(): self._copy_results_selection(grid) else: self._copy_results_current(grid)
def _paste_to_selection(self, selection: Selection, data: str): """Pastes data into grid filling the selection :param selection: Grid cell selection for pasting :param data: Clipboard text """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model undo_stack = self.main_window.undo_stack description_tpl = "Paste clipboard to {}" description = description_tpl.format(selection) cmd = commands.PasteSelectedCellData(grid, model, selection, data, description) undo_stack.push(cmd) def _paste_to_current(self, data: str): """Pastes data into grid starting from the current cell :param data: Clipboard text """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model top, left, table = current = grid.current code_array = grid.model.code_array undo_stack = self.main_window.undo_stack description_tpl = "Paste clipboard starting from cell {}" description = description_tpl.format(current) command = None paste_gen = (line.split("\t") for line in data.split("\n")) for row, line in enumerate(paste_gen): paste_row = row + top if (paste_row, 0, table) not in code_array: break for column, value in enumerate(line): paste_column = column + left if (paste_row, paste_column, table) in code_array: index = model.index(paste_row, paste_column, QModelIndex()) # Preserve line breaks value = value.replace("\u000C", "\n") cmd = commands.SetCellCode(value, model, index, description) if command is None: command = cmd else: command.mergeWith(cmd) else: break if command is not None: undo_stack.push(command)
[docs] def edit_paste(self): """Edit -> Paste workflow Pastes text clipboard data If no selection is present, data is pasted starting with the current cell. If a selection is present, data is pasted fully if the selection is smaller. If the selection is larger then data is duplicated. """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() data = clipboard.text() if data: # Change the main window filepath state self.main_window.settings.changed_since_save = True with self.busy_cursor(): if grid.has_selection(): self._paste_to_selection(grid.selection, data) else: self._paste_to_current(data)
def _paste_svg(self, svg: str, index: QModelIndex): """Pastes svg image into cell :param svg: SVG data :param index: Target cell index """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid codelines = svg.splitlines() codelines[0] = '"""' + codelines[0] codelines[-1] = codelines[-1] + '"""' code = "\n".join(codelines) model = grid.model description = f"Insert svg image into cell {index}" grid.on_image_renderer_pressed() with self.main_window.entry_line.disable_updates(): command = commands.SetCellCode(code, model, index, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) def _paste_image(self, image_data: bytes, index: QModelIndex): """Pastes svg image into cell :param image_data: Raw image data. May be anything that QImage handles. :param index: Target cell index """ def gen_chunk(string: str, length: int) -> Iterable[str]: """Generator for chunks of string :param string: String to be chunked :param length: Chunk length """ for i in range(0, len(string), length): yield string[i:i+length] grid = self.main_window.focused_grid repr_image_data = repr(b85encode(bz2.compress(image_data))) newline = "'\n+b'" image_data_str = newline.join(gen_chunk(repr_image_data, 8000)) code_lines = [ "data = bz2.decompress(base64.b85decode(", image_data_str, "))", "qimg = QImage()", "QImage.loadFromData(qimg, data)", "qimg", ] code = "\n".join(code_lines) model = grid.model description = f"Insert image into cell {index}" grid.on_image_renderer_pressed() with self.main_window.entry_line.disable_updates(): command = commands.SetCellCode(code, model, index, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command)
[docs] def edit_paste_as(self): """Pastes clipboard into one cell using a user specified mime type""" grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model # The mimetypes that are supported by pyspread mimetypes = ("image", "text/html", "text/plain") clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() formats = clipboard.mimeData().formats() items = [fmt for fmt in formats if any(m in fmt for m in mimetypes)] if not items: return if len(items) == 1: item = items[0] else: item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self.main_window, "Paste as", "Choose mime type", items, current=0, editable=False) if not ok: return row, column, _ = current = grid.current # Target cell key description_tpl = "Paste {} from clipboard into cell {}" description = description_tpl.format(item, current) index = model.index(row, column, QModelIndex()) mime_data = clipboard.mimeData() if item == "image/svg+xml": # SVG Image if mime_data: svg ="image/svg+xml") self._paste_svg(str(svg, encoding='utf-8'), index) elif "image" in item and mime_data.hasImage(): # Bitmap Image image = clipboard.image() buffer = QBuffer(), "PNG") image_data = buffer.readAll() buffer.close() self._paste_image(image_data, index) elif item == "text/html" and mime_data.hasHtml(): # HTML content html = mime_data.html() command = commands.SetCellCode(html, model, index, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) grid.on_markup_renderer_pressed() elif item == "text/plain": # Normal code code = clipboard.text() if code: command = commands.SetCellCode(code, model, index, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) else: # Unknown mime type return NotImplemented
[docs] def edit_find(self): """Edit -> Find workflow, opens FindDialog""" find_dialog = FindDialog(self.main_window) find_dialog.raise_() find_dialog.activateWindow()
def _get_next_match(self, find_dialog: FindDialog, start_key: Tuple[int, int, int] = None): """Returns tuple of find string and next matching cell key :param find_dialog: Find dialog from which the search origins :param start_key: Start search at given key """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid findnextmatch = grid.model.code_array.findnextmatch find_editor = find_dialog.search_text_editor find_string = find_editor.text() if start_key is not None: pass elif find_dialog.from_start_checkbox.isChecked(): start_key = 0, 0, grid.table elif find_dialog.backward_checkbox.isChecked(): start_key = grid.row - 1, grid.column, grid.table else: start_key = grid.row + 1, grid.column, grid.table match = findnextmatch(start_key, find_string, up=find_dialog.backward_checkbox.isChecked(), word=find_dialog.word_checkbox.isChecked(), case=find_dialog.case_checkbox.isChecked(), regexp=find_dialog.regex_checkbox.isChecked(), results=find_dialog.results_checkbox.isChecked()) return find_string, match def _display_match_msg(self, find_string: str, next_match: str, regexp: str): """Displays find match message in statusbar :param find_string: Message component :param next_match: Message component :param regexp: Message component """ str_name = "Regular expression" if regexp else "String" msg_tpl = "{str_name} {find_string} found in cell {next_match}." msg = msg_tpl.format(str_name=str_name, find_string=find_string, next_match=next_match) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
[docs] def find_dialog_on_find(self, find_dialog: FindDialog): """Edit -> Find workflow, after pressing find button in FindDialog :param find_dialog: Find dialog of origin """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid find_string, next_match = self._get_next_match(find_dialog) if next_match: grid.current = next_match regexp = find_dialog.regex_checkbox.isChecked() self._display_match_msg(find_string, next_match, regexp) if find_dialog.from_start_checkbox.isChecked(): find_dialog.from_start_checkbox.setChecked(False)
[docs] def edit_find_next(self): """Edit -> Find next workflow""" grid = self.main_window.focused_grid findnextmatch = grid.model.code_array.findnextmatch find_editor = self.main_window.find_toolbar.find_editor find_string = find_editor.text() if find_editor.up: start_key = grid.row - 1, grid.column, grid.table else: start_key = grid.row + 1, grid.column, grid.table next_match = findnextmatch(start_key, find_string, up=find_editor.up, word=find_editor.word,, regexp=find_editor.regexp, results=find_editor.results) if next_match: grid.current = next_match self._display_match_msg(find_string, next_match, find_editor.regexp)
[docs] def edit_replace(self): """Edit -> Replace workflow, opens ReplaceDialog""" find_dialog = ReplaceDialog(self.main_window) find_dialog.raise_() find_dialog.activateWindow()
def _get_replace_command(self, next_match: Tuple[int, int, int], find_string: str, replace_string: str, max_: int = 1, description: str = None) -> QUndoCommand: """Returns SetCellCode command for replace operations :param next_match: Key of next matching cell :param find_string: String to find :param replace_string: Replacement string :param max_: Maximum number of replace actions, -1 is unlimited :param description: Forced command description string """ model = self.main_window.focused_grid.model old_code = model.code_array(next_match) new_code = old_code.replace(find_string, replace_string, max_) if description is None: description_tpl = "Replaced {old} with {new} in cell {key}." description = description_tpl.format(old=old_code, new=new_code, key=next_match) index = model.index(*next_match[:2]) return commands.SetCellCode(new_code, model, index, description)
[docs] def replace_dialog_on_replace(self, replace_dialog: ReplaceDialog, toggled: bool = False, max_: int = 1) -> bool: """Edit -> Replace workflow when pushing Replace in ReplaceDialog Returns True if there is a match otherwise False :param replace_dialog: Replace dialog of origin :param toggled: Replace dialog toggle state :param max_: Maximum number of replace actions, -1 is unlimited """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid find_string, next_match = self._get_next_match(replace_dialog) replace_string = replace_dialog.replace_text_editor.text() if next_match: command = self._get_replace_command(next_match, find_string, replace_string, max_=max_) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) grid.current = next_match self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(command.description) if replace_dialog.from_start_checkbox.isChecked(): replace_dialog.from_start_checkbox.setChecked(False) return True return False
[docs] def replace_dialog_on_replace_all(self, replace_dialog: ReplaceDialog): """Edit -> Replace workflow when pushing ReplaceAll in ReplaceDialog :param replace_dialog: Replace dialog of origin """ find_string = replace_dialog.search_text_editor.text() replace_string = replace_dialog.replace_text_editor.text() word = replace_dialog.word_checkbox.isChecked() case = replace_dialog.case_checkbox.isChecked() regexp = replace_dialog.regex_checkbox.isChecked() command = None grid = self.main_window.focused_grid code_array = grid.model.code_array keys = code_array.keys() matches = [] with self.busy_cursor(): with self.main_window.entry_line.disable_updates(): with self.prevent_updates(): for key in keys: code = code_array(key) if code_array.string_match(code, find_string, word, case, regexp) is not None: matches.append(key) for match in matches: msg = f"Replace all {find_string} by {replace_string}" _command = self._get_replace_command(match, find_string, replace_string, max_=-1, description=msg) if command is None: command = _command else: command.mergeWith(_command) if command is not None: self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) msg = f"{find_string} replaced by {replace_string} in {len(matches)} "\ f"cell{'s' if len(matches) != 1 else ''}." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
def _sort(self, ascending: bool = True): """Edit -> Sort ascending :param ascending: True for ascending sort, False for descending sort """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model table = grid.current[2] selection = grid.selection (top, left), (bottom, right) = selection.get_bbox() if top == bottom: return data = grid.model.code_array[top:bottom+1, left:right+1, table].copy() if ascending: data[data == None] = numpy.inf # `is` does not work here else: data[data == None] = -numpy.inf # `is` does not work here try: if ascending: sorted_idx = data[:, grid.current[1]-left].argsort() else: sorted_idx = data[:, grid.current[1]-left].argsort()[::-1] except TypeError as err: msg = f"Could not sort selection: {err}" self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return old_code = {} for key in selection.cell_generator(model.shape, table): old_code[key] = grid.model.code_array(key) command = None if ascending: description = f"Sort {grid.selection} ascending" else: description = f"Sort {grid.selection} descending" for row, column in selection.cell_generator(model.shape): code = old_code[(sorted_idx[row-top]+top, column, table)] index = model.index(row, column) _command = commands.SetCellCode(code, model, index, description) if command is None: command = _command else: command.mergeWith(_command) if command is not None: self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) msg = "Selection sorted." self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
[docs] def edit_sort_ascending(self): """Edit -> Sort ascending""" self._sort()
[docs] def edit_sort_descending(self): """Edit -> Sort descending""" self._sort(ascending=False)
[docs] def edit_resize(self): """Edit -> Resize workflow""" grid = self.main_window.focused_grid # Get grid shape from user old_shape = grid.model.code_array.shape title = "Resize grid" shape = GridShapeDialog(self.main_window, old_shape, title=title).shape self._resize_grid(shape)
def _resize_grid(self, shape: Tuple[int, int, int]): """Resize grid :param shape: New grid shape """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid old_shape = grid.model.code_array.shape # Check if shape is valid try: check_shape_validity(shape, self.main_window.settings.maxshape) except ValueError as err: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage('Error: ' + str(err)) return grid.current = 0, 0, 0 description = f"Resize grid to {shape}" with self.main_window.entry_line.disable_updates(): command = commands.SetGridSize(grid, old_shape, shape, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) # Select upper left cell because initial selection behaves strangely grid.reset_selection() # View menu
[docs] def view_goto_cell(self): """View -> Go to cell workflow""" grid = self.main_window.focused_grid # Get cell key from user shape = grid.model.shape key = CellKeyDialog(self.main_window, shape).key if key is not None: grid.current = key
# Format menu
[docs] def format_copy_format(self): """Copies the format of the selected cells to the Clipboard Cells are shifted so that the top left bbox corner is at 0,0 """ def remove_tabu_keys(attrs: AttrDict): """Remove keys that are not copied from attr :param attr: Attribute dict that holds cell attributes """ tabu_attrs = "merge_area", "frozen" for tabu_attr in tabu_attrs: try: attrs.pop(tabu_attr) except KeyError: pass grid = self.main_window.focused_grid code_array = grid.model.code_array cell_attributes = code_array.cell_attributes # Cell attributes new_cell_attributes = [] selection = grid.selection # Format content is shifted so that the top left corner is 0,0 (top, left), (_, _) = selection.get_grid_bbox(grid.model.shape) table_cell_attributes = cell_attributes.for_table(grid.table) for __selection, _, attrs in table_cell_attributes: new_selection = selection & __selection if new_selection: # We do not copy merged cells and cell renderers __attrs = copy(attrs) remove_tabu_keys(__attrs) new_shifted_selection = new_selection.shifted(-top, -left) if __attrs: cell_attribute = new_shifted_selection.parameters, __attrs new_cell_attributes.append(cell_attribute) ca_repr = bytes(repr(new_cell_attributes), encoding='utf-8') clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setData("application/x-pyspread-cell-attributes", ca_repr) clipboard.setMimeData(mime_data)
[docs] def format_paste_format(self): """Pastes cell formats Pasting starts at cursor or at top left bbox corner """ clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() mime_data = clipboard.mimeData() grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model row, column, table = grid.current if "application/x-pyspread-cell-attributes" not in mime_data.formats(): return cas_data ="application/x-pyspread-cell-attributes") cas_data_str = str(cas_data, encoding='utf-8') cas = literal_eval(cas_data_str) if not isinstance(cas, list): msg_tpl = "{} has type {} that is not instance of list" msg = msg_tpl.format(cas, type(cas)) raise Warning(msg) tabu_attrs = "merge_area", "frozen" description_tpl = "Paste format for selections {}" description = description_tpl.format([ca[0] for ca in cas]) for selection_params, attrs in cas: if not any(tabu_attr in attrs for tabu_attr in tabu_attrs): selection = Selection(*selection_params) shifted_selection = selection.shifted(row, column) attr_dict = AttrDict() attr_dict.update(attrs) new_cell_attribute = CellAttribute(shifted_selection, table, attr_dict) selected_idx = [] for key in shifted_selection.cell_generator(model.shape): selected_idx.append(model.index(*key)) command = commands.SetCellFormat(new_cell_attribute, model, grid.currentIndex(), selected_idx, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command)
# Macro menufilepath def _read_svg_str(self, filepath, encoding): """Returns svg string from filepath :param filepath: Path of SVG file to read """ try: with open(filepath, "r", encoding=encoding) as svgfile: return except UnicodeError: encoding, ok = QInputDialog().getItem( self, f"{filepath} not encoded in utf-8", f"Encoding of {filepath}", self.main_window.settings.encodings) if ok: return self._read_svg_str(filepath, encoding) except OSError as err: msg_tpl = "Error opening file {filepath}: {err}." msg = msg_tpl.format(filepath=filepath, err=err) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg)
[docs] def macro_insert_image(self): """Insert image workflow""" grid = self.main_window.focused_grid dial = ImageFileOpenDialog(self.main_window) if not dial.file_path: return # Cancel pressed filepath = Path(dial.file_path) index = grid.currentIndex() grid.clearSelection() grid.selectionModel().select(index, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Select) if filepath.suffix == ".svg": svg = self._read_svg_str(filepath, encoding='utf-8') if not svg: return self._paste_svg(svg, index) else: try: with open(filepath, "rb") as imgfile: image_data = except OSError as err: msg_tpl = "Error opening file {filepath}: {err}." msg = msg_tpl.format(filepath=filepath, err=err) self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage(msg) return self._paste_image(image_data, index)
[docs] def macro_insert_chart(self): """Insert chart workflow""" grid = self.main_window.focused_grid model = grid.model code_array = model.code_array current = grid.current code = code_array(current) if current in self.cell2dialog: self.cell2dialog[current].activateWindow() self.cell2dialog[current].setFocus() return chart_dialog = ChartDialog(self.main_window, current) self.cell2dialog[current] = chart_dialog if code is not None: chart_dialog.editor.setPlainText(code) if chart_dialog.exec() == ChartDialog.DialogCode.Accepted: code = chart_dialog.editor.toPlainText() grid.current = current index = grid.currentIndex() grid.clearSelection() grid.selectionModel().select( index, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Select) grid.on_matplotlib_renderer_pressed() description = f"Insert chart into cell {index}" command = commands.SetCellCode(code, model, index, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command) self.cell2dialog.pop(current)
[docs] def macro_insert_sum(self): """Sum up selection area The sum is inserted into the cell below the bottom right cell of the selection. """ grid = self.main_window.focused_grid selection = grid.selection shape = grid.model.shape (top, left), (bottom, right) = selection.get_grid_bbox(shape) if bottom >= shape[0] - 1: self.main_window.statusBar().showMessage( "ValueError: Target cell is beyond grid limits") return key = bottom + 1, right, grid.table code = f"numpy.sum(eval({repr(selection)}" + \ f".get_absolute_access_string({shape}, Z)))" grid.current = key index = grid.currentIndex() description = f"Insert sum of {selection} into cell {key}" command = commands.SetCellCode(code, grid.model, index, description) self.main_window.undo_stack.push(command)