Source code for pyspread.interfaces.pys

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright Martin Manns
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# pyspread is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pyspread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyspread.  If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------


This file contains interfaces to the native pys file format.

PysReader and PysWriter classed are structured into the following sections:
 * shape
 * code
 * attributes
 * row_heights
 * col_widths
 * macros


 * :func:`wxcolor2rgb`
 * :func:`qt52qt6_fontweights`
 * :func:`qt62qt5_fontweights`
 * :dict:`wx2qt_fontweights`
 * :dict:`wx2qt_fontstyles`
 * :class:`PysReader`
 * :class:`PysWriter`


from builtins import str, map, object

import ast
from base64 import b64decode, b85encode
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Iterable, Tuple

    from pyspread.lib.attrdict import AttrDict
    from pyspread.lib.selection import Selection
    from pyspread.model.model import CellAttribute, CodeArray
except ImportError:
    from lib.attrdict import AttrDict
    from lib.selection import Selection
    from model.model import CellAttribute, CodeArray

[docs] def wxcolor2rgb(wxcolor: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns red, green, blue for given wxPython binary color value :param wxcolor: Color value from wx.Color """ red = wxcolor >> 16 green = wxcolor - (red << 16) >> 8 blue = wxcolor - (red << 16) - (green << 8) return red, green, blue
[docs] def qt52qt6_fontweights(qt5_weight): """Approximates the mapping from Qt5 to Qt6 font weight""" return int((qt5_weight - 20) * 13.5)
[docs] def qt62qt5_fontweights(qt6_weight): """Approximates the mapping from Qt6 to Qt5 font weight""" return int(qt6_weight / 13.5 + 20)
wx2qt_fontweights = { 90: 50, # wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL 91: 40, # wx.FONTWEIGHT_LIGHT 92: 75, # wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD 93: 87, # wx.FONTWEIGHT_MAX } wx2qt_fontstyles = { 90: 0, # wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL 93: 1, # wx.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC 94: 1, # wx.FONTSTYLE_SLANT 95: 2, # wx.FONTSTYLE_MAX }
[docs] class PysReader: """Reads pys v2.0 file into a code_array""" def __init__(self, pys_file: BinaryIO, code_array: CodeArray): """ :param pys_file: The pys or pysu file to be read :param code_array: Target code_array """ self.pys_file = pys_file self.code_array = code_array self._section2reader = { "[Pyspread save file version]\n": self._pys_version, "[shape]\n": self._pys2shape, "[grid]\n": self._pys2code, "[attributes]\n": self._pys2attributes, "[row_heights]\n": self._pys2row_heights, "[col_widths]\n": self._pys2col_widths, "[macros]\n": self._pys2macros, } # When converting old versions, cell attributes are required that # take place after the cell attribute readout self.cell_attributes_postfixes = [] def __iter__(self): """Iterates over self.pys_file, replacing everything in code_array""" state = None # Reset pys_file to start to enable multiple calls of this method for line in self.pys_file: line = line.decode("utf8") if line in self._section2reader: state = line elif state is not None: self._section2reader[state](line) yield line # Apply cell attributes post fixes for cell_attribute in self.cell_attributes_postfixes: self.code_array.cell_attributes.append(cell_attribute) # Decorators
[docs] def version_handler(method: Callable) -> Callable: """Chooses method`_10` of method if version < 2.0 :param method: Method to be replaced in case of old pys file version """ def new_method(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.version <= 1.0: method10 = getattr(self, method.__name__+"_10") method10(*args, **kwargs) else: method(self, *args, **kwargs) return new_method
# Helpers def _split_tidy(self, string: str, maxsplit: int = None) -> str: """Rstrips string for \n and splits string for \t :param string: String to be rstripped and split :param maxsplit: Maximum number of splits """ if maxsplit is None: return string.rstrip("\n").split("\t") else: return string.rstrip("\n").split("\t", maxsplit) def _get_key(self, *keystrings: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Returns int key tuple from key string list :param keystrings: Strings that contain integers that are key elements """ return tuple(map(int, keystrings)) # Sections def _pys_version(self, line: str): """pys file version including assertion :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ self.version = float(line.strip()) if self.version > 2.0: # Abort if file version not supported msg = "File version {version} unsupported (> 2.0)." raise ValueError(msg.format(version=line.strip())) def _pys2shape(self, line: str): """Updates shape in code_array :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ shape = self._get_key(*self._split_tidy(line)) if any(dim <= 0 for dim in shape): # Abort if any axis is 0 or less msg = "Code array has invalid shape {shape}." raise ValueError(msg.format(shape=shape)) self.code_array.shape = shape def _code_convert_1_2(self, key: Tuple[int, int, int], code: str) -> str: """Converts chart and image code from v1.0 to v2.0 :param key: Key of cell with code :param code: Code in cell to be converted """ def get_image_code(image_data: str, width: int, height: int) -> str: """Returns code string for v2.0 :param image_data: b85encoded image data :param width: Image width :param height: Image height """ image_buffer_tpl = 'bz2.decompress(base64.b85decode({data}))' image_array_tpl = 'numpy.frombuffer({buffer}, dtype="uint8")' image_matrix_tpl = '{array}.reshape({height}, {width}, 3)' image_buffer = image_buffer_tpl.format(data=image_data) image_array = image_array_tpl.format(buffer=image_buffer) image_matrix = image_matrix_tpl.format(array=image_array, height=height, width=width) return image_matrix start_str = "bz2.decompress(base64.b64decode('" size_start_str = "wx.ImageFromData(" if size_start_str in code and start_str in code: size_start = code.index(size_start_str) + len(size_start_str) size_str_list = code[size_start:].split(",")[:2] width, height = tuple(map(int, size_str_list)) # We have a cell that displays a bitmap data_start = code.index(start_str) + len(start_str) data_stop = code.find("'", data_start) enc_data = bytes(code[data_start:data_stop], encoding='utf-8') compressed_image_data = b64decode(enc_data) reenc_data = b85encode(compressed_image_data) code = get_image_code(repr(reenc_data), width, height) selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(key[0], key[1])]) tab = key[2] attr_dict = AttrDict([("renderer", "image")]) attr = CellAttribute(selection, tab, attr_dict) self.cell_attributes_postfixes.append(attr) elif "charts.ChartFigure(" in code: # We have a matplotlib figure selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(key[0], key[1])]) tab = key[2] attr_dict = AttrDict([("renderer", "matplotlib")]) attr = CellAttribute(selection, tab, attr_dict) self.cell_attributes_postfixes.append(attr) return code def _pys2code_10(self, line: str): """Updates code in pys code_array - for save file version 1.0 :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ row, col, tab, code = self._split_tidy(line, maxsplit=3) key = self._get_key(row, col, tab) if all(0 <= key[i] < self.code_array.shape[i] for i in range(3)): self.code_array.dict_grid[key] = str(self._code_convert_1_2(key, code)) @version_handler def _pys2code(self, line: str): """Updates code in pys code_array :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ row, col, tab, code = self._split_tidy(line, maxsplit=3) key = self._get_key(row, col, tab) if all(0 <= key[i] < self.code_array.shape[i] for i in range(3)): self.code_array.dict_grid[key] = ast.literal_eval(code) def _attr_convert_1to2(self, key: str, value: Any) -> Tuple[str, Any]: """Converts key, value attribute pair from v1.0 to v2.0 :param key: AttrDict key :param value: AttrDict value for key """ color_attrs = ["bordercolor_bottom", "bordercolor_right", "bgcolor", "textcolor"] if key in color_attrs: return key, wxcolor2rgb(value) elif key == "fontweight": return key, wx2qt_fontweights[value] elif key == "fontstyle": return key, wx2qt_fontstyles[value] elif key == "markup" and value: return "renderer", "markup" elif key == "angle" and value < 0: return "angle", 360 + value elif key == "merge_area": # Value in v1.0 None if the cell was merged # In v 2.0 this is no longer necessary return None, value # Update justifiaction and alignment values elif key in ["vertical_align", "justification"]: just_align_value_tansitions = { "left": "justify_left", "center": "justify_center", "right": "justify_right", "top": "align_top", "middle": "align_center", "bottom": "align_bottom", } return key, just_align_value_tansitions[value] return key, value def _pys2attributes_10(self, line: str): """Updates attributes in code_array - for save file version 1.0 :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ splitline = self._split_tidy(line) selection_data = list(map(ast.literal_eval, splitline[:5])) selection = Selection(*selection_data) tab = int(splitline[5]) attr_dict = AttrDict() old_merged_cells = {} for col, ele in enumerate(splitline[6:]): if not (col % 2): # Odd entries are keys key = ast.literal_eval(ele) else: # Even cols are values value = ast.literal_eval(ele) # Convert old wx color values and merged cells key_, value_ = self._attr_convert_1to2(key, value) if key_ is None and value_ is not None: # We have a merged cell old_merged_cells[value_[:2]] = value_ try: attr_dict.pop("merge_area") except KeyError: pass attr_dict[key_] = value_ attr = CellAttribute(selection, tab, attr_dict) self.code_array.cell_attributes.append(attr) for key in old_merged_cells: selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [key]) attr_dict = AttrDict([("merge_area", old_merged_cells[key])]) attr = CellAttribute(selection, tab, attr_dict) self.code_array.cell_attributes.append(attr) old_merged_cells.clear() @version_handler def _pys2attributes(self, line: str): """Updates attributes in code_array :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ splitline = self._split_tidy(line) selection_data = list(map(ast.literal_eval, splitline[:5])) selection = Selection(*selection_data) tab = int(splitline[5]) attr_dict = AttrDict() for col, ele in enumerate(splitline[6:]): if not (col % 2): # Odd entries are keys key = ast.literal_eval(ele) else: # Even cols are values value = ast.literal_eval(ele) attr_dict[key] = value if attr_dict: # Ignore empty attribute settings attr = CellAttribute(selection, tab, attr_dict) self.code_array.cell_attributes.append(attr) def _pys2row_heights(self, line: str): """Updates row_heights in code_array :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ # Split with maxsplit 3 split_line = self._split_tidy(line) key = row, tab = self._get_key(*split_line[:2]) height = float(split_line[2]) shape = self.code_array.shape try: if row < shape[0] and tab < shape[2]: self.code_array.row_heights[key] = height except ValueError: pass def _pys2col_widths(self, line: str): """Updates col_widths in code_array :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ # Split with maxsplit 3 split_line = self._split_tidy(line) key = col, tab = self._get_key(*split_line[:2]) width = float(split_line[2]) shape = self.code_array.shape try: if col < shape[1] and tab < shape[2]: self.code_array.col_widths[key] = width except ValueError: pass def _pys2macros(self, line: str): """Updates macros in code_array :param line: Pys file line to be parsed """ self.code_array.macros += line
[docs] class PysWriter(object): """Interface between code_array and pys file data Iterating over it yields pys file lines """ def __init__(self, code_array: CodeArray): """ :param code_array: The code_array object data structure """ self.code_array = code_array self.version = 2.0 self._section2writer = OrderedDict([ ("[Pyspread save file version]\n", self._version2pys), ("[shape]\n", self._shape2pys), ("[grid]\n", self._code2pys), ("[attributes]\n", self._attributes2pys), ("[row_heights]\n", self._row_heights2pys), ("[col_widths]\n", self._col_widths2pys), ("[macros]\n", self._macros2pys), ]) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Yields a pys_file line wise from code_array""" for key in self._section2writer: yield key for line in self._section2writer[key](): yield line def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns how many lines will be written when saving the code_array""" lines = 9 # Headers + 1 line version + 1 line shape lines += len(self.code_array.dict_grid) lines += len(self.code_array.cell_attributes) lines += len(self.code_array.dict_grid.row_heights) lines += len(self.code_array.dict_grid.col_widths) lines += self.code_array.dict_grid.macros.count('\n') return lines def _version2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns pys file version information in pys format Format: <version>\n """ yield repr(self.version) + "\n" def _shape2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns shape information in pys format Format: <rows>\t<cols>\t<tabs>\n """ yield u"\t".join(map(str, self.code_array.shape)) + u"\n" def _code2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns cell code information in pys format Format: <row>\t<col>\t<tab>\t<code>\n """ for key in self.code_array: key_str = u"\t".join(repr(ele) for ele in key) if self.version <= 1.0: code_str = self.code_array(key) else: code_str = repr(self.code_array(key)) out_str = key_str + u"\t" + code_str + u"\n" yield out_str def _attributes2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns cell attributes information in pys format Format: <selection[0]>\t[...]\t<tab>\t<key>\t<value>\t[...]\n """ # Remove doublettes purged_cell_attributes = [] purged_cell_attributes_keys = [] for selection, tab, attr_dict in self.code_array.cell_attributes: if purged_cell_attributes_keys and \ (selection, tab) == purged_cell_attributes_keys[-1]: purged_cell_attributes[-1][2].update(attr_dict) else: purged_cell_attributes_keys.append((selection, tab)) purged_cell_attributes.append([selection, tab, attr_dict]) for selection, tab, attr_dict in purged_cell_attributes: if not attr_dict: continue sel_list = [selection.block_tl, selection.block_br, selection.rows, selection.columns, selection.cells] tab_list = [tab] attr_dict_list = [] for key in attr_dict: if key is not None: attr_dict_list.append(key) attr_dict_list.append(attr_dict[key]) line_list = list(map(repr, sel_list + tab_list + attr_dict_list)) yield u"\t".join(line_list) + u"\n" def _row_heights2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns row height information in pys format Format: <row>\t<tab>\t<value>\n """ for row, tab in self.code_array.dict_grid.row_heights: if row < self.code_array.shape[0] and \ tab < self.code_array.shape[2]: height = self.code_array.dict_grid.row_heights[(row, tab)] height_strings = list(map(repr, [row, tab, height])) yield u"\t".join(height_strings) + u"\n" def _col_widths2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns column width information in pys format Format: <col>\t<tab>\t<value>\n """ for col, tab in self.code_array.dict_grid.col_widths: if col < self.code_array.shape[1] and \ tab < self.code_array.shape[2]: width = self.code_array.dict_grid.col_widths[(col, tab)] width_strings = list(map(repr, [col, tab, width])) yield u"\t".join(width_strings) + u"\n" def _macros2pys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns macros information in pys format Format: <macro code line>\n """ macros = self.code_array.dict_grid.macros yield macros